Selected Publications
Layden, M. A.: Kids and the dangers on the Internet. TV show for PBS, Wilkes Barre, PA
October 1999.
Layden, M. A. : Layden’s response to the case of Joe: Cognitive Therapy for a case of Borderline Personality Disorder Lite. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 1998.
Layden, M. A.: Treating sexual addiction. Article published in the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/11/98. January 1998.
Layden, M. A.: Borderline Personality Disorder. Practicing Cognitive Therapy. Leahy, R. (eds.). Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ, 1997.
Layden, M. A., Newman, C., Freeman, A., & Morse, S.: Cognitive therapy of borderline personality disorder. \{Cognitive therapy of borderline personality disorder.} Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1993.
Layden, M. A. : Attributional Style Therapy. Attributions and Psychological Change. Antaki, C., & Brewin, C. (eds.). Academic Press, London, 1982.
Ickes, W., Layden, M. A. & Barnes, R.: Objective self-awareness and individuation: an empirical link. Journal of Personality
46(1): 146-61, Mar 1978.
Ickes, W. & Layden, M. A.: Attributional Styles. New Directions in Attribution Research. Harvey, J., Ickes, W., & Kidd, R. (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum, Ass., Hillsdale, N. J. 2, 1978.
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