Skip to main content


The skipnav is a simple component designed to help keyboard-only and screen-reader users.

Both users navigate the site by tabbing through content and the skip nav gives them a handy way to jump past all of the navigation and get right to the main content. More information on skipnavs can be found on the WEBAIM Website but the key thing for us to note is this:

The skipnav works using anchor navigation. When the skipnav link is selected, PMACS Frontend sends the focus to an article element that includes the app's content and excludes the page chrome. The html id of this element defaults to content, but this can be changed by the app developer inside of the PmacsFrontend initializer, if so desired:

# config/initializers/pmacs-frontend.rb

PmacsFrontend.configure do |config|
  config.content_html_id = 'id-of-first-input-item'

Note that the initializer is the only place where this id can be changed.