Career Development and Training Resources

LBI Seminar Series

The LBI hosts monthly seminars featuring preeminent national and international leaders in lung biology research. Seminars take place on Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 PM in Room 11-146 of Smilow Center for Translational Biology. For more information or for the seminar calendar please contact Nina Maschak. 

Research in Progress Talks (PCTRC)

Penn-CHOP Lung Biology Institute Pulmonary Basic and Translational Research Conference (PBTRC) series features research in progress seminars given by postdocs, fellows, and faculty within the Penn/CHOP community.  The conference also includes experts from various core facilities presenting method-based research seminars, bioethics lectures by Penn Medical Ethics and Health Policy faculty, as well as invited speakers from outside of UPenn. The conference takes place weekly from mid-September to mid-June on alternating Wednesdays/Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm in the conference room on the 2nd floor of Stemmler Hall, Room 213. For more information or to receive the PBTRC calendar please contact Mary McNichol.

R User Club 

The LBI's R User Club is a work space and presentation forum for anyone (undergrads, grad students, post-docs, research scientists, faculty, etc) to come and work on their R-related projects, talk to other R enthusiasts, troubleshoot and ultimately expand their knowledge of R. The initial focus of the fall semester meetings will be on learning the basics of R programming language with an emphasis on how to model, transform, and visualize data. These more formal presentations will be given by the LBI R club organizer, Michael Morley. The spring semester meetings will be an open workspace format where 2-3 users will present on a variety of topics. Some examples of what can be presented is a current project which needs some input or guidance from the group, a new R package or analysis method or something as simple as an interesting way to plot data. The LBI hosts a github page of all the code presented at club meetings and a slack channel as well is used for internal communications amongst users.  This group meets Every Thursday 3-4pm September-May. For more information on how to join and to receive the most up to date schedule for each calendar year please contact Michael Morley

Grant Writing Workshops

The LBI hosts quarterly grant writing workshops for postdoctoral fellows. Please see the Events page for upcoming workshops. For more information please contact Kathleen Stewart





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