Department of Neurology Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) Program
To create and sustain a diverse, inclusive, and antiracist culture that ensure equitable engagement with patients and between all members of the Department of Neurology, and which advocates for justice within the University of Pennsylvania, the communities it serves, and beyond.
Penn Neurology will be an antiracist, inclusive, and diverse organization.
Core Values
Cultural Humility
- Openness to Change
Community and Social Action
Serve the local community by addressing social determinants of neurological health, foster increased trust in Penn Neurology among historically disadvantaged members of our local community, and to normalize participation in social and community actions and advocacy in the Neurology Department. Committee Chairs: Josh Levine, Sharon Lewis, and Michael Rubenstein
Equity Education
Provide education and training that ensures that all members of the department feel confident and equipped to address discrimination of any sort in both clinical and nonclinical contexts. Committee Chairs: Natalie Baner & Laura Stein
Intradepartmental Equity
Eliminate equity gaps to create a culture of inclusion for all members of the Department of Neurology. Committee Chairs: Monisha Kumar & Natalie Marciano
Recruitment & Retention
Ensure that Neurology seeks talent from all walks of life and retains that talent by advancing programs that enable all department members to thrive professionally. Committee Chairs: Branch Coslett, Atul Kalanuria, Naseem Kerr, Sudha, Kessler, Madeline McNichol, & Ray Price
Disability Affinity Group
To bring together people interested in disability and disability health and to spur advocacy for patients and staff with disabilities in a safe learning space. Committee Chairs: Danielle Barber, Mihir Kakara, and Laura Stein
To Contact the IDARE Committee for questions, comments, concerns, or to join please email us at
Upcoming Events and Committee Programs
The Wellness Empowerment Project - Saturday - October 19, 2024 @ Saunders Park
Wellness Empowerment Project - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (
Neurology Diversity & Inclusion Grand Rounds
Turning the wheel of Dharma: a lesson in mindfulness from the east - Khedrupchen Rinpoche - President of Khedrup Foundation - March 31, 2022
Speaker on Pediatric/Adolescent Mental Health during COVID - Dr. Yesenia Marroquin - July 19, 2022
Neuro-Health Disparities in Disability - Dr. Lisa Iezzoni - July 20, 2022
Beyond the Binary: Providing Neurologic Care for Gender and Sexual Minorities - Dr. Eric Kaiser - September 21, 2022
Videos or other relative articles