

A key goal of the Penn U19 Center is to train the next generation of ADRD investigators and provide a solid foundation for career enhancement. 

We will provide aSyn and tau pre-formed fibrils (PFFs) to outside investigators, some of whom may elect to visit our U19 Center to learn best practices for aSyn and tau PFF generation and isolation of brain-derived AD tau and LBD aSyn, as well as best practices for injection of pathological tau and aSyn into the brains of mice.

To learn more about training opportunities offered by the Penn U19 team, contact:
Lisa Toole

Visit the University of Pennsylvania for a 2-5 day training experience

  • Work hands-on in the lab alongside a member of the U19 research team
  • Network with other ADRD researchers for potential collaborative opportunities
  • Meet separately with other Penn Medicine researchers also working in ADRD research here at Penn

  • Who is eligible for training?
    • Anyone doing work in amyloid polymorphism research is eligible for training through our U19. You must be affiliated with a lab with NIH grant funding or intend to write one.
  • Is there a fee for the training?
    • There is no fee for training. As a part of our mission, the U19 aims to train the next generation of scientists.
  • Are travel and accommodations covered?
    • No. The trainee is responsible for all costs including travel and accommodations. However, when possible, we may be able to provide recommendations and/or assistance in booking a nearby stay.

Please note: The number of people available for training is limited, therefore, due to time constraints, the acceptance of your request for training is not guaranteed.

Data Sharing

A unique ADNI-like resource component of this U19 is the use of procedures we developed over the past 20 years to share biologicals obtained through this U19 Center and from prior collections of CSF, plasma, serum, DNA/RNA and brain samples from AD and LBD patients who have been followed through NIH-funded programs.

To obtain biosamples, investigators must have an active IRB approval for their studies involving human tissues. This IRB approval must accompany the request form below, which must be completed and signed by the requesting principal investigator.

Download the Biosample Request Form here.

Please send Requests, IRB Approval, and Questions to:
Allison Ward

Penn Neurodegenerative Data Sharing Committee (PNDSC)
The goal of the Penn Neurodegenerative Data Sharing Committee (PNDSC) is to progressively and compliantly share the rich sources of multimodal data collected in the Penn neurodegenerative community with internal and external research groups to foster collaboration and open-science.

Learn more and access the Data Request Form here.