Virginia M. Richards

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Contact information
Suite 302C
3401 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 898-0223
Fax: (215) 746-6848
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Description of Research Expertise

Auditory perception; decision processes

Psychophysical approaches

Our recent work is aimed at developing a better understanding of the perception of complex sounds. The auditory periphery may be modeled as a graded frequency analyzer, splitting the incoming sound into 'frequency channels'. We employ psychophysical experiments in an effort to examine the means by which information is combined across frequency channels (and across ears) in order to form a single percept. The experiments employ digitally generated stimuli, allowing systematic control of the physical properties of the stimulus, and also allowing the effects of a target parameter to be measured. Human performance is then evaluated relative to mathematical/statistical processing models.

Selected Publications

Tang., Z and Richards, VM : Examination of a linear model in an informational masking study. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114(1): 361-67, 2003.

Richards, VM: The Detection of a Tone Added to Noise: Effects of Feedback Fariation. J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryn 03: 209-221, 2002.

Lentz, JJ, Richards, VM and Matiasek, MR: Different Auditory Filter Bandwidth Estimates Based on Profile Analysis, Notched Noice, and Hybrid Tasks. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106: 2779-92, 1999.

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Last updated: 09/08/2004
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania