faculty photo

Bonnie Ky, MD, MSCE

Founders Professor of Cardio-Oncology
Department: Medicine

Contact information
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
11-105 Smilow Center for Translational Research
3400 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-573-6606
Fax: 215-746-7415
BS (Chemical Engineering )
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995.
MD (Medicine)
University of Pennsylvania, 2001.
MSCE (Clinical Epidemiology)
University of Pennsylvania, 2009.
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Selected Publications

Makhlin I, Demissei BG, D'Agostino R, Hundley WG, Baleanu-Gogonea C, Wilcox NS, Chen A, Smith AM, O'Connell NS, Januzzi J, Lesser GJ, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Ibanez B, Tang WHW, Ky B.: Statins Do Not Significantly Affect Oxidative Nitrosative Stress Biomarkers in the PREVENT Randomized Clinical Trial. Clinical Cancer Research. Jun 2024 Notes: Provisional Acceptance.

Hammoud RA, Liu Q, Dixon SB, Onerup A, Mulrooney DA, Huang I, Jefferies JL, Rhea IB, Krull KR, Ness KK, Ehrhardt MJ, Hudson MM, Ky B, Bhakta N, Sapkota Y, Yasui Y, Armstrong GT.: The growing burden of cardiovascular disease and increased risk for subsequent major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in survivors of childhood cancer: a prospective longitudinal analysis from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study. The Lancet Oncology 25(6): 811-822, June 2024.

Kim K, Kim MM, Skoufos G, Diffenderfer ES, Motlagh SAO, Kokkorakis M, Koliaki I, Morcos G, Shoniyozov K, Griffin J, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Metz JM, Lin A, Feigenberg SJ, Cengel KA, Ky B, Koumenis C, Verginadis II.: FLASH Proton Radiation Therapy Mitigates Inflammatory and Fibrotic Pathways and Preserves Cardiac Function in a Preclinical Mouse Model of Radiation-Induced Heart Disease. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys Feb 2024.

Leger KJ, Robison N, Narayan HK, Smith AM, Tsega T, Chung J, Daniels A, Chen Z, Englefield V, Demissei BG, Lefebvre B, Morrow G, Dizon I, Gerbing RB, Pabari R, Getz KD, Aplenc R, Pollard JA, Chow EJ, Tang WHW, Border WL, Sachdeva R, Alonzo TA, Kolb EA, Cooper TM, Ky B: Rationale and design of the Children's Oncology Group study AAML1831 integrated cardiac substudies in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia therapy. Front Cardiovasc Med Dec 2023.

Yegya-Raman N, Ho Lee S, Friedes C, Wang X, Iocolano M, Kegelman TP, Duan L, Li B, Berlin E, Kim KN, Doucette A, Denduluri S, Levin WP, Cengel KA, Cohen RB, Langer CJ, Kevin Teo BK, Zou W, O'Quinn RP, Deasy JO, Bradley JD, Sun L, Ky B, Xiao Y, Feigenberg SJ.: Cardiac radiation dose is associated with inferior survival but not cardiac events in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer in the era of immune checkpoint inhibitor consolidation. Radiother Oncol November 2023 Notes: Epub ahead of print.

Narayan V, Liu T, Song Y, Mitchell J, Sicks J, Gareen I, Sun L, Denduluri S, Fisher C, Mankowski J, WOjtowicz, Vadakara J, Haas N, Margulies KB, Ky B.: Early Increases in Blood Pressure and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Renal Cell Carcinoma and Thyroid Cancer Patients Treated with VEGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 21(10): 1039-1049, October 2023.

Avula V, Sharma G, Kosiborod MN, Vaduganathan M, Neilan TG, Lopez T, Dent S, Baldassarre L, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Barac A, Liu J, Deswal A, Khadke S, Yang EH, Ky B, Lenihan D, Nohria A, Dani SS, Ganatra S. : SGLT2 Inhibitor Use and Risk of Clinical Events in Patients With Cancer Therapy-Related Cardiac Dysfunction. JACC Heart Fail. October 2023 Notes: Epub ahead of print.

Neilan TG, Quinaglia T, Onoue T, Mahmood SS, Drobni ZD, Gilman HK, Smith A, Heemelaar J, Brahmbhatt P, Ho JS, Sama S, Svoboda J, Neuberg DS, Abramson JS, Hochberg EP, Barnes JA, Armand P, Jacobsen ED, Jacobson CA, Kim AI, Soumerai JD, Han Y, Friedman RS, Lacasce AS, Ky B, Landsburg D, Nasta S, Kwong RY, Jerosch-Herold M, Redd RA, Hua L, Januzzi JL, Asnani A, Mousavi N, Scherrer-Crosbie M.: Atorvastatin for Anthracycline-Associated Cardiac Dysfunction: The STOP-CA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 330(6), August 2023.

Sun L, Brody R, Candelieri D, Lynch JA, Cohen RB, Li Y, Getz KD, Ky B. : Risk of Cardiovascular Events Among Patients With Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 149(8), August 2023.

Bottinor W, Flamand Y, Haas N, O'Neill A, DiPaolo R, Subramanian P, Cella D, Hundley WG, Wagner L, Salsman J, Ky B.: Cardiovascular Implications of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibition Among Adolescents/Young Adults in ECOG-ACRIN E2805. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 21(7), July 2023 Notes: Manuscript accepted.

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Last updated: 08/08/2024
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