faculty photo

Vincent Lo Re III, M.D., M.S.C.E.

Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Department: Medicine

Contact information
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
836 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Fax: 215-349-5111
B.S. (Chemistry)
Georgetown University, 1992.
M.D. (Medicine)
University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
M.S.C.E. (Pharmacoepidemiology)
University of Pennsylvania, 2005.
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Selected Publications

Lo Re V 3rd, Kallan MJ, Tate J, Localio AR, Lim JK, Goetz MB, Klein MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Brown ST, Park L, Dubrow R, Reddy KR, Kostman JR, Strom BL, Justice AC: Hepatic decompensation in antiretroviral-treated patients co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C virus compared with hepatitis C virus-monoinfected patients: A cohort study. Ann Intern Med 160(6): 369-79, March 2014.

Goldberg DS, Forde KA, Haynes K, Lewis JD, Carbonari DM, Leidl KBF, Nezamzadeh MS, Reddy KR, Roy J, Sha D, Marks AR, De Boer J, Strom BL, Corley DA, Lo Re V 3rd: Population-representative incidence of drug-induced acute liver failure based on an analysis of an integrated healthcare system. Gastroenterology 148(7): 1353-61, June 2015.

Saine ME, Moore TM, Szymczak JE, Bamford LP, Barg FK, Mitra N, Schnittker J, Holmes JH, Lo Re V 3rd: Validation of a modified Berger HIV stigma scale for use among patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. PLoS One 15(2): e0228471, February 2020.

Saine ME, Szymczak JE, Moore TM, Bamford LP, Barg FK, Schnittker J, Holmes JH, Mitra N, Lo Re V 3rd: Determinants of stigma among patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. J Viral Hepat 27(11): 1179-89, November 2020.

Torgersen J, Kallan MJ, Carbonari DM, Park LS, Mehta RL, D’Addeo K, Tate JP, Lim JK, Goetz MB, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Gibert CL, Bräu N, Brown ST, Roy JA, Taddei TH, Justice AC, Lo Re V 3rd: HIV RNA, CD4+ percentage, and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma by cirrhosis status. J Natl Cancer Inst 112(7): 747-755, July 2020.

Kim HN, Newcomb CW, Carbonari DM, Roy JA, Torgersen J, Althoff KN, Kitahata MM, Reddy KR, Lim JK, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Cachay ER, Kirk GD, Sun J, Hull M, Gill MJ, Sterling TR, Kostman JR, Peters MG, Moore RD, Klein MB, Lo Re V 3rd: Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatitis B viremia among HIV/HBV-coinfected persons in North America. Hepatology 74(3): 1190-1202, September 2021.

Torgersen J, Newcomb CW, Carbonari DM, Rentsch CT, Park LS, Mezochow A, Mehta RL, Buchwalder L, Tate JP, Bräu N, Bhattacharya D, Lim JK, Taddei TH, Justice AC, Lo Re V 3rd : PI-based HCV DAAs are associated with increased risk of aminotransferase elevations but not hepatic dysfunction or decompensation. J Hepatol 75(6): 1312-1322, December 2021.

Weinstein EJ, Ritchey ME, Lo Re V 3rd: Core concepts in pharmacoepidemiology: Validation of health outcomes of interest within real-world healthcare databases. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 32(1): 1-8, January 2023.

Lo Re V 3rd, Dutcher SK, Connolly JG, Perez-Vilar S, Carbonari DM, DeFor TA, Djibo DA, Harrington LB, Hou L, Hennessy S, Hubbard RA, Kempner ME, Kuntz JL, McMahill-Walraven CN, Mosley J, Pawloski PA, Petrone AB, Pishko AM, Rogers Driscoll M, Steiner CA, Zhou Y, Cocoros NM: Association of COVID-19 versus influenza with risk of arterial and venous thrombotic events among hospitalized patients. JAMA 328(7): 637-51, August 2022.

Ferrante ND, Newcomb CW, Forde KA, Leonard CE, Torgersen J, Linas BP, Rowan SE, Wyles DL, Kostman JR, Trooskin SB, Lo Re V 3rd: The hepatitis C care cascade during the direct-acting antiviral era in a United States commercially-insured population. Open Forum Infect Dis 9(9): ofac445, September 2022.

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Last updated: 12/15/2024
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