Selected Publications
Neuman M, Bitton A, Glantz S: Tobacco industry strategies for influencing European community tobacco advertising legislation. Lancet 359(9314): 1323-30, Apr 2002 Notes: Editorial - Gray N: Tobacco industry and EC advertising ban. Lancet 359(9314): 1264-5, Apr 2002.
Neuman MD, Fleisher LA, Even-Shoshan O, Mi L, Silber JH: Nonoperative care for hip fracture in the elderly: the influence of race, income, and comorbidities. Medical Care 48(4): 314-20, Apr 2010.
Neuman MD: Surgeons' decisions and the financial and human costs of medical care. The New England Journal of Medicine 363(25): 2382-3, Dec 2010.
Wijeysundera DN, Beattie WS, Karkouti K, Neuman MD, Austin PC, Laupacis A: Association of echocardiography before major elective non-cardiac surgery with postoperative survival and length of hospital stay: population based cohort study. BMJ 342: d3695, Jul 2011.
David G, Neuman MD: Physician division of labor and patient selection for outpatient procedures. Journal of Health Economics 30(2): 381-91, Mar 2011.
Wijeysundera DN, Mamdani M, Laupacis A, Fleisher LA, Beattie WS, Johnson SR, Kolstad J, Neuman MD: Clinical evidence, practice guidelines, and β-blocker utilization before major noncardiac surgery. Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 5(4): 558-65, Jul 2012.
Neuman MD, Bosk CL: What we talk about when we talk about risk: refining surgery's hazards in medical thought. The Milbank Quarterly 90(1): 135-59, Mar 2012.
Neuman MD, Goldstein JN, Cirullo MA, Schwartz JS: Durability of class I American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical practice guideline recommendations. JAMA 311(20): 2092-100, May 2014 Notes: Editorial - Shekelle PG: Updating practice guidelines. JAMA 311(20): 2072-2073, May 2014.
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Last updated: 09/13/2024
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