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Stanley S. Schwartz, M.D.

Emeritus Associate Professor CE of Medicine
Department: Medicine

Contact information
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 2156628099
Fax: 2152438826
University of Pennsylvania, 1969.
University of Chicago, 1973.
Post-Graduate Training
Internship, University of Pennsylvania, 1973-1974.
Residency, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1974-1976.
Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1976-1978.
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Description of Clinical Expertise

Dr. Schwartz specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the cardio-metabolic syndrome, Impaired Glucose Tolerance, diabetes, hypoglycemia disorders, and general endocrinologic problems. Dr. Schwartz predominantly cares for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and their micro and macrovascular complications and is particularly interested in use of incretins in the care of patients with diabetes, and treating all aspects of the cardio-metabolic syndrome including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, prevention and treatment of their cardiovascular outcomes. He is also involved in designing the Diabetes Population Care for Health Systems by application of computer technology.

Dr. Schwartz is an Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, directing the Diabetes Program at the Philadelphia Heart Institute.

Description of Other Expertise

Dr. Schwartz received his MD from the University of Chicago, completed his residency at the University of Pennsylvania and an Endocrine Fellowship at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Schwartz actively lectures worldwide. This he received invitations to lecture in Switzerland, Belgium and Tunisia, including an invitation to give two lectures at the 30th International Critical Care Symposium (ISICEM). He has authored numerous articles and is a co-investigator of DCCT-EDIC and LOOK AHEAD trials. He is an author of the Self-assessment Program of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2007/2008, and 2009 AACE Guidelines. He is a member or fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (London), EASD, the IDF, the ADA, the Endocrine Society and the American College of Physicians. Though he does some research and teaches, most of his time is spent caring for patients.

Selected Publications

Schwartz, S.S., et. al.: Use of an glucose controlled insulin infusion system (artifical beta cell) to control diabetes during surgery. Diabetologia 16: 157-164, 1979.

Grunwald, J.E., Brucker, A.J., Schwartz, S.S., et al: Diabetic Glycemic Control and Retinal Blood Flow. Diabetes 39.5, May 1990.

Broderick, G.A., Schwartz, S.S.: Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetes. Hospital Practice 26(8), August 1991.

Maschak-Carey, Schutta,M.,Schwartz, S., et al.: Successful Implementation of a Comprehensive Diabetes Disease Management Program in an Integrated Academic Health Care System. Disease Management 2(43), 1999.

Schwartz,, S., : Targeting the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes: rationale for combination therapy with pioglitazone and exenatide, , C. Current Medical Reaearch and Opinion 2008.

Schwartz,, S: Synergy in diabetes treatment, Review in Endocrinology Review in Endocrinology, 2008.

Schwartz, S.S., et al.: Nutrition and Diabetes. Medical Nutrition and Disease, 2nd. Morrison and Hark (eds.). 1999.

Shutta, M., Schwartz, S.S.: Insulin Resistance and Diabetic Complications. Preventive Medicine in Managed Care 2(1): S3-S19, 2001.

Salber PR, Bestermann W, Schwartz S, Marchetti A: Loss of confidence in diabetes management. Manag Care. 17(10): 38, 2008.

Grant SF, Hakonarson H, Schwartz S.: Can the Genetics of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Shed Light on the Genetics of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults? Endocr Rev. . [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20007922. nov 2009.

Kohl BA, Schwartz S.: Surgery in the patient with endocrine dysfunction. Anesthesiol Clin 27(4), 2009.

Rodbard HW, Jellinger PS, Davidson JA, Einhorn D, Garber AJ, Grunberger G, Handelsman Y, Horton ES, Lebovitz H, Levy P, Moghissi ES, Schwartz SS.: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology consensus panel on type 2 diabetes mellitus: an algorithm for glycemic control. Endocr Pract 15(6), 2009.

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Last updated: 03/11/2011
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