Synovial Biopsy, Synovium, Synovial Fluid & Arthrocentesis

Tumors (Synovium) Photo/Slide Viewer


References Related to Tumors (Synovium)

Capovilla M, Durlach A, Fourati E, Beucher A-B, Eschard J-P, Dehoux E, Noach JL, Cucherousset J: Chronic monoarthritis and previous history of cancer: think about synovial metastasis. Clin Rheumatol 26:60-63, 2007.

Winzenberg T, Ma D, Taplin P, Parker A & Jones G: Synovial haemangioma of the knee: a case report. Clin Rheumatol 25:753-755, 2006.

Du Y, Pullman-Mooar S & Schumacher HR: Synovial sarcoma of the foot mimicking acute gouty arthritis. J Rheumatol 32:2006-2008, 2005.

de V. de Beer, J, Bogoch ER, and Smythe HA. Lymphoma presenting as a popliteal mass in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol, 17(9):1242-1243, 1990.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as knee monoarthritis with a popliteal cyst. letter to the editor, J Rheum, 17(9):1252-1253, 1990.

Schumacher HR, Lotke P, Athreya B, Rothfuss S: Pigmented villonodular synovitis: Light and electron microscopic studies. Sem Arthritis Rheum 12:32-43, 1982.

Lagier R. Synovial reaction caused by adjacent malignant tumors: anatomicopatholigical study of three cases. J Rheumatol 4(1):65-72.

Reginato AJ, Martinez VA , Schumacher HR, Torres J: Giant cell tumor associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 33:333-341, 1974.

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