Eligibility and Application Process



  • MD, DO or MD-PhD degree.
  • US citizen (or visa status that satisfies NIH requirements)
  • Clinical residency training and/or clinical fellowship training completed by time of T32 start (does not need to be at time of application)*

*2 application points are possible: (1) as early as PGY3 during residency training, although T32 funding will not start until after completion of residency, OR (2) end of residency/clinical fellowship training.
It is expected that successful applicants will have 80% of their time protected from clinical work for the duration of T32 support.


Submission materials:

  1. NIH biosketch (applicant)
  2. Primary research mentor NIH biosketch
  3. Application form (Please use template):
    • Name of research mentor (required) and clinical mentor if known (could be the same person; if no known clinical mentor, we will assign one)
    • Personal statement (2/3 page)
    • Prior support from federal grants (NRSA, other training grants)
    • External support (applicant’s support awarded or under review for salary, research costs)
    • Mentor letter of support
    • Research statement, cosigned by Mentor
    • Research plan (1 page)
  4. Two letters of support – includes one from primary mentor
  5. Letter from current residency/fellowship director indicating good standing


Please combine all materials into 1 pdf and send to aguirreg@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.


The ReConNecT-IT T32 program is committed to training women as well as individuals from backgrounds under-represented in medicine. We welcome applications from these groups, with the understanding that creating a cadre of superbly-trained translational neuroscientists from a diversity of backgrounds accelerates both scientific discovery and progress towards justice in our society.


Applications will be assessed by Co-Directors + Advisory Committee.