
M. Fevzi Daldal

faculty photo
Professor of Biology
Department: Biology
Graduate Group Affiliations

Contact information
103B Lynch Building
433 South University Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 898-4394
Fax: (215) 898-8780
B.S. (Biochemistry)
Lyon Engineering School, Lyon, France, 1974.
PhD (Microbial Genetics)
University of Pasteur Strasbourg, France, 1977.
Postdoc (Molecular Genetics)
Harvard Medical School, 1982.
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Description of Research Expertise

Research Interests
Structure function, biogenesis and regulation of cytochrome complexes.

Key words: Rhodobacter, cytochrome.

Description of Research
We are interested in understanding how cytochrome complexes are assembled and they function during photosynthesis and respiration. These proteins are vital components for cellular functions ranging from ATP synthesis to secretion, transport, motility and thermogenesis. Their dysfunction severely compromises cellular energy production, and leads to low crop yields in plants (photosynthesis) or neurological, aging and muscular diseases in humans (respiration). Our studies are focused on the structure, function, assembly and regulation of expression in response to environmental signals of cytochromes using the cytochrome bc1 complex and cytochrome cbb3 oxidase as model membrane proteins.

We use multi-disciplinary approaches that combine molecular genetics, microbial genomics/proteomics and biochemistry/biophysics, use Rhodobacter capsulatus as a model system for mitochondria and chloroplasts. Current work is on the structure directed functional analysis of membrane protein complexes and their prosthetic groups and Biogenesis and maturation of cytochromes complexes.

Rotation Projects
Various projects dealing with microbial molecular genetics and genomics/proteomics of membrane proteins assembly and maturation are available. If interested please contact me directly.

Selected Publications

Cooley, J. W., Lee, D-W. and F. Daldal : Across membrane communication between the Qo and Qi active sites of cytochrome bc1, Biochemistry 48: 1888-1899, 2009.

Sanders, C., Turkarslan, S., Lee, D-W., Onder, O., Kranz, R. G., and F. Daldal. : The Cytochrome c Maturation Components CcmH, CcmI and CcmF Form a Multisubunit Membrane Complex in Rhodobacter capsulatus. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 29715-29722, 2008.

Lee. D-W., Y. Ozturk, A., Osyczka, J. W. Cooley and F. Daldal. : Cytochrome bc1-cy fusion complexes reveal the distance constraints for functional electron transfer between photosynthesis components. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 13973-13982, 2008.

Ozturk, Y., D-W. Lee, S. Mandaci, A., Osyczka, R. C. Prince and F. Daldal. : Soluble variants of membrane-anchored cytochrome cy of Rhodobacter species are efficient photosynthetic electron carriers. J. Biol Chem. 283: 13964-13972, 2008.

Onder, O, S, Turkarslan, D. Sun and F. Daldal. : Overproduction or Absence of the Periplasmic Protease DegP Compromises Severely Bacterial Growth in the Absence of the Dithiol:Disulfide Oxidoreductase DsbA. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 7: 875-890, 2008.

Turkarslan, S., Sanders, C., Ekici, S. and F. Daldal. : Compensatory Thio-redox Interactions between DsbA, CcdA and CcmG During Cytochrome c Maturation in Rhodobacter capsulatus. Molec Micro. 70: 652-666. 2008.

Sanders, C., C. Boulet and F. Daldal.: Membrane-spanning and periplasmic segments of CcmI have distinct functions during cytochrome c biogenesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus. J. Bacteriol. 189: 789-800, 2007.

Aygun-Sunar S., Bilaloglu R., Golfine, H. and F. Daldal: Rhodobacter capsulatus Ornithine Lipid Biosynthesis Enzyme OlsA is Also Proficient for Phosphatidic Acid Biosynthesis. J. Bacteriol. 189: 8564-8574, 2007.

Giachini, L., Francia, F., Veronesi, G., Lee, D-W., Daldal, F., Huang, L-S., Berry, E. A.,Cocco, T., Papa, S., Boscherini, F. and G. Venturoli. : X-ray absorption studies of Zn2+ binding sites in bacterial, avian and bovine cytochrome bc1 complexes. Biophys Journal 93: 2934-2951, 2007.

Kulajta, C., J. O. Thumfart, S. Haid, F. Daldal and Koch, H-G: Multi-step assembly pathway of the cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase complex. J. Mol. Biol 355: 989-1004, 2006.

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Last updated: 03/18/2013
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