
Riccardo Gottardi, PhD

faculty photo
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Pulmonary Medicine)
Department: Pediatrics
Graduate Group Affiliations

Contact information
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Bioengineering and Biomaterials Laboratory
3615 Civic Center Blvd
Room 1016G, Abramson Research Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 412-251-6987
Lab: 215-590-0968
M.Sc. (LS) (Applied Physics, Medical Physics)
University of Pisa, Italy, 2003.
B.Sc. (LM) (General Physics)
University of Pisa, Italy, 2003.
Ph.D. (Inform., Communication Sci. & Tech. & Electronics & Inform. Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
University of Genova, Italy, 2007.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi, M.R. Aronson, R.M. Friedman, D.D. Ghaderi, N. Patel, T. Giordano, R.C. Borek, C.M. Devine, L. Han, I.N. Jacobs, R. Gottardi: Fibrotic and Mechanobiological Phenotyping of Laryngeal Fibroblast in Pediatric Subglottic Stenosis. The Laryngoscope Page: accepted, 2023.

P.M. Gehret, A. Dumas, I.N. Jacobs, R. Gottardi: Decellularized Cartilage for Laryngotracheal Reconstruction in a Neonatal Pig Model. The Laryngoscope DOI:10.1002/lary.31017(Online ahead of print), 2023.

M.R. Aronson, A. Mehta, R.M. Friedman, D.D. Ghaderi, R.C. Borek, H.C.B. Nguyen, K.S. McDaid, I.N. Jacobs, N. Mirza, R. Gottardi: Amelioration of Subglottic Stenosis by Antimicrobial Peptide Eluting Endotracheal Tubes. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Page: accepted, 2023.

I. Chiesa, C. De Maria, G. Vozzi, R. Gottardi: Three-dimensional and Four-dimensional Printing in Otolaryngology. MRS Bulletin 48: 1-12, 2023.

J. Collins, A. Lang, C. Parisi, Y. Moharrer, M.P. Nijsure, J. Hyun (Thomas) Kim, S. Ahmed, G.L. Szeto, L. Qin, R. Gottardi, N.A. Dyment, N.C. Nowlan, J.D. Boerckel: YAP and TAZ couple osteoblast precursor mobilization to angiogenesis and mechanoregulation in fetal bone development. Developmental Cell DOI:10.1016/j.devcel.2023.11.029 (Available ahead of print), 2023.

M.R. Aronson, S. AliAkbariGhavimi, P.M. Gehret, I.N. Jacobs, R. Gottardi: Drug-eluting Endotracheal Tubes for Preventing Bacterial Inflammation in Subglottic Stenosis. The Laryngoscope 132(7): 1356-1363, Jul 2022.

I. Chiesa, R. Di Gesù, K.J. Overholt, R. Gottardi: A Mesoscale 3D Culture System for Native and Engineered Biphasic Tissues: Application to the Osteochondral Unit. Organ-on-a-Chip. Methods in Molecular Biology. Rasponi M. (eds) (eds.). Humana, New York, NY, 2373: 267-281, 2022.

S. AliAkbariGhavimi, P.M. Gehret, M.R. Aronson, R. Schipani, K.W.Y. Smith, R.C. Borek, J.A. Germiller, I.N. Jacobs, K.B. Zur, R. Gottardi: Drug Delivery to the Pediatric Upper Airway. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 174(4): 168-18, July 2021.

E. Capuana, D. Marino, R. Di Gesù, V. La Carrubba, V. Brucato, R.S. Tuan, R. Gottardi: A High-Throughput Mechanical Activator for Cartilage Engineering Enables Rapid Screening of in vitro Response of Tissue Models to Physiological and Supra-physiological Loads. Cells, Tissues, Organs 14(5): 1-19, July 2021.

M.T. Raimondi, B. Barzaghini, A. Bocconi, C. Conci, C. Martinelli, A. Nardini, C. Testa, S. Carelli, G. Cerullo, G. Chirico, R. Gottardi, R. Osellame, A. Remuzzi, M. Laganà, E, Jacchetti: Micro structured tools for cell modeling in the fourth dimension. Proceedings of SPIE 11786T, June 2021.

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Last updated: 08/31/2024
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