Alyssa Rosen, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology
Department: Neurology
Contact information
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Division of Neurology
3501 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Division of Neurology
3501 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-590-1719
B.S. (Biopsychology and Cognitive Sciences, High Honors)
The University of Michigan, 2002.
Harvard Medical School, 2008.
B.S. (Biopsychology and Cognitive Sciences, High Honors)
The University of Michigan, 2002.
Harvard Medical School, 2008.
Post-Graduate Training
Resident, Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2008-2010.
Resident, Child Neurology, The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2010-2013.
Fellow, Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy with a focus on Autism, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2013-2015.
Resident, Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2008-2010.
Resident, Child Neurology, The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2010-2013.
Fellow, Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy with a focus on Autism, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2013-2015.
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with certification in Child Neurology , 2014.
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Epilepsy , 2017.
Permanent linkAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with certification in Child Neurology , 2014.
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Epilepsy , 2017.
Description of Clinical Expertise
Pediatric Epilepsy, Pediatric EEG interpretation, Cognitive and Behavioral co-morbidities of Pediatric Epilepsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Overlap between Epilepsy and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Tourette DisorderDescription of Research Expertise
Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Models of Care for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Genetics of Tourette DisorderSelected Publications
Alyssa Rosen, MD; Katie Lockwood, MD; Katrina Fletcher, MD: Perspectives and Progress in Mental Health Education During Early Pediatrics Residency Training Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting - accepted as poster presentation 2024.Muhrer E, Moxam A, Dunn M, Rosen A, Taylor JH, Camacho P, Bowden C, Worsley D, Doupnik SK: Acute medical workup for new-onset psychosis in children and adolescents: A retrospective cohort. J Hosp Med 17(11): 907-911, Nov 2022.
Lockwood, K, Sieke, EH, Lockwood, B, Fletcher, K, Rosen, A, DeBrocco, D, Teng, C, & Pipan, M: Simulation-Based Education on De-Escalation of Patients with Mild Agitation: A 3-month follow-up with pediatric residents. Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM) annual meeting, e-poster presentation July 2022.
Lockwood, K, Fletcher, K, Rosen, A, DeBrocco, D, Teng, C, Freedman, A, Yannekis, G, Monachino, A, Widmeier, K, Sieke, EH, Donches, KI, & Pipan, M: Interprofessional Simulation-Based Education for Pediatric Residents on De-Escalation of Patients with Mild Agitation. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting, poster presentation April 2022.
Lockwood, K, Fletcher, K, Rosen, A, DeBrocco, D, Teng, C, Freedman, A, Yannekis, G, Monachino, A, Widmeier, K, Sieke, EH, Donches, KI, & Pipan, M: Interprofessional Simulation-Based Education for Pediatric Residents on De-Escalation of Patients with Mild Agitation. Interprofessional Education Symposium at CHOP, virtual poster January 2022.
Chua WD, Pipan M, Rosen AR. : Neurologic and developmental considerations in children with medical complexity. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 51(9), Sep 2021
Fitzgerald MP, Kaufman MC, Massey SL, Fridinger S, Prelack M, Ellis C, Ortiz-Gonzalez X, Fried LE, DiGiovine MP; CHOP Pediatric Epilepsy Program Collaborative, Melamed S, Malcolm M, Banwell B, Stephenson D, Witzman SM, Gonzalez A, Dlugos D, Kessler SK, Goldberg EM, Abend NS, Helbig I. : Assessing seizure burden in pediatric epilepsy using an electronic medical record-based tool through a common data element approach. Epilepsia 62(7): 1617-1628, Jul 2021
Johnathan B. Sataloff, Shyam K. Akula, Alyssa R. Rosen, Deborah Caputo Rosen and Robert T. Sataloff: Chapter 15: Neurologic Disease Affecting the Voice. Psychology of Voice Disorders, Second Edition. Deborah Caputo Rosen, Johnathan Brandon Sataloff, Robert Thayer Sataloff (eds.). Plural Publishing Inc. Page: 249-272, 2021.
Alyssa R. Rosen, MD: Epilepsy and Autism. Practical Neurology Oct: 40-43, October 2020.
Bridgemohan C, Carbone P, Hyman S, Johnson D, Levy S, Rosen A, Shulman L, Zuckerman k, Dietz P, Peacock G, Wiggins L.: Identifying and Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Course for Pediatric Clinicians [online course] PediaLink. American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2020.