Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Department of
Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Department of Medical Ethics / People / Buttenheim

Alison M. Buttenheim, PhD MBA

faculty photo
Associate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Department: Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Contact information
PhD (Public Health)
UCLA School of Public Health, 2007.
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Selected Publications

Okatch H, Sowicz TJ, Teng H, Ramogola-Masire D, Buttenheim AM: Achieving public and global health competencies: A teaching case study of Botswana cervical cancer screening program. Public Health Nurs 2018.

Jean S 3rd, Elshafei M, Buttenheim A: Social determinants of community-level human papillomavirus vaccination coverage in school-based vaccination program. Sex Transm Infect 2018.

Omer SB, Allen K, Chang DH, Guterman LB, Bednarczyk RA, Jordan A, Buttenheim A, Jones M, Hannan C, deHart MP, Salmon DA: Exemptions from mandatory immunization after legally mandated parental counseling. Pediatrics 14(1), 2018.

Johnson LG, Armstrong A, Joyce CM, Teitelman AM, Buttenheim AM: Implementation strategies to improve cervical cancer prevention in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Implement Sci 13(1): 28, 2018.

Sinnenberg L, DiSilvestro CL, Mancheno C, Dailey K, Tufts C, Buttenheim AM, Barg F, Ungar L, Schwartz H, Brown D, Asch DA, Merchant RM: Twitter as a potential data source for cardiovascular disease research. JAMA Cardiol 1(9): 1032-36, 2017.

Volpicelli K, Buttenheim AM: Do social factors predict appropriate treatment of child diarrheal disease in Peru? Matern Child Health Journal 20(11): 2299-2308, 2017.

Mohanty S, Feemster KA, Butteheim A, Moser CA, Field RI, Mayer W, Carroll-Scott A: Factors associated with pediatrician responses to alternative immunization schedule requests. Clin Pediatrics 57(2): 180-88, 2017.

Castillo-Neyra R, Brown J, Borrini K, Arevalo C, Levy MZ, Buttenheim A, Hunter GC, Becerra V, Behrman J, Paz-Soldan VA: Barriers to dog rabies vaccination during an urban rabies outbreak: Qualitative findings from Areqipa, Peru. PloS Negl Trop Dis 11(3), 2017.

Kohl Malone S, Ziporyn T, Buttenheim AM: Applying behavioral insights to delay school start times. Sleep Health 3(6): 483-85, 2017.

Burson RC, Buttenheim AM, Armstrong A, Feemster KA: Community pharmacies as sites of adult vaccination: A systemic review. Hum Vaccin Immunother 12(12): 3146-59, 2017.

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Last updated: 05/02/2018
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