MICCAI 2019 Tutorial on: Tools AllowingClinical Translation of Image Computing ALgorithms(TACTICAL)

MICCAI 2019, 13-17 October  —  Shenzhen, China

•  Scope  •  Objectives  •  Speakers/Schedule  •  Material  •  Previous TACTICAL  •  Organization 


We intend to provide all the slides, sample data, source code, and binaries of all tools beforehand through links presented collectively in this webpage. Note that all the provided material will be free from copyright issues.

Detailed Description of provided material:

  • Source code of tools’ current release
  • Executable files (including dependencies) for installing the tools
  • Sample data
  • Slides of the complete hands-on tutorials / presentations including the discussion notes.

Feel free to send any communication related to the TACTICAL Tutorial in tactical@cbica.upenn.edu