MICCAI 2019 Tutorial on: Tools AllowingClinical Translation of Image Computing ALgorithms(TACTICAL)

MICCAI 2019, 13-17 October  —  Shenzhen, China

•  Scope  •  Objectives  •  Speakers/Schedule  •  Material  •  Previous TACTICAL  •  Organization 


At the end of the tutorial the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the differences across the presented tools and the functionality of each.
  • Identify the tools useful for their research.
  • Have a clear experimental picture of examples of clinical analyses using these tools.
  • Evaluate potential collaborations with the existing tools, e.g. how to incorporate their algorithm within the appropriate tool.
  • Have a clear understanding of the main strengths, weaknesses, and requirements of the software tools, including the quality of the data they require, their sensitivity to parameter selection, and various situations that can potentially make the tools fail, e.g., inter-scanner differences in image characteristics.

Feel free to send any communication related to the TACTICAL Tutorial in tactical@cbica.upenn.edu