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online signup

Thank you for your interest in participating in an MRI experiment. Most experiments require between 1-2 hours to complete and we compensate you at a rate of $10/hr. We will also email you images of your brain if you wish. Please complete the following form and we will contact you shortly via email.

Full Name

Day phone# Eve phone#

Gender Male Female

Birthdate - -

What hand do you write with? Right Left Both
Is English your first language? yes no
Do you wear glasses or contacts? yes no
Have you ever had an MRI scan? yes no

Please feel free to ask questions or leave comments.

Thank you, we appreciate your time and interest and will get back to you soon.

UP Health System | Neurology | Radiology | University of Pennsylvania | Neuroscience | David Mahoney Institute of Neurological Sciences | Center for Cognitive Neuroscience | Institute for Research in Cognitive Science | Voxbo