Building websites with MODX CMS

Blog Archives: March 2018

Edit Only Resources in MODX

When we set up MODX sites for our clients, we always create a few pages that we want the site publishers to never delete nor unpublish. We want these pages to be "edit only" for publishers and we also don't want them duplicating them. For us, this applies to the home page, page not found, search results page, and a special resource that we use for site-wide configurations. Yes, we have had publishers delete the homepage even…

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Create a Publisher User Group in MODX

In MODX, access policies are sets of permissions that can be assigned to a user group. There are a number of different access policies that come with MODX but the ones we want to look at here are the Administrator policy and the Content Editor policy. These are the default policies for users who can use the manager.

The Administrator is pretty much all-powerful so you would only assign that policy to user groups who you…

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An Introduction: We Like MODX

Our team chose MODX as a platform way back in 2013 largely because of its flexibility. We're free to create templates using whatever HTML structure we choose. MODX tends to be unopinionated about the presentation of content and as a design team we care a lot about that.

In roughly four years, our list of MODX sites in production has grown to just over two hundred. We have another one hundred or so MODX projects in development.…

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