gesterone for Traumatic Brain Injury:
Experimental Clinical Treatment

PI: David Wright, MD - Emory University
Status: Funded, Closed to enrollment

Progesterone for Traumatic Brain Injury: Experimental Clinical Treatment (ProTECT III) is a clinical study designed to see if progesterone, a naturally occurring hormone found in our bodies and thought to have powerful neuroprotective properties, is effective in decreasing brain injury from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Multiple animal studies suggest that progesterone given after TBI results in less brain damage. The ProTECT III study will further test these findings and determine how effective this treatment is in adults with moderate to severe TBI. The purpose of this study is to find out if progesterone with standard care works better than standard care alone to reduce damage from a traumatic brain injury. If progesterone helps brain injury patients get better, it will be an important advance in brain injury treatment. This is an exception from informed consent for emergency research study.

For more information on ProTECT, please click here.