All Projects - Old & New
My chief scientific interest is the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathies. This began in my Ph.D. thesis, when I was used anatomical techniques (electron microscopy and retrograde tracing with HRP) to study how axons regenerate in the peripheral nerves of goldfish (Scherer and Easter, 1984; Scherer, 1986). These studies demonstrated that axonal regeneration in fish, which had been considered to have special regenerative abilities (Sperry and Arora, 1965), was actually similar to that in mammals. I was hooked, so after graduation, I chose to train in the Department of Neurology at Penn, which had a distinguished faculty (Arthur Asbury, Mark Brown, David Pleasure, John Sladky, Austin Sumner) who were doing important investigations on the clinical and basic scientific aspects of neuropathy. Following my residency I did a neuromuscular fellowship, combining clinical work in neuromuscular diseases with basic scientific work in the lab of Dr. John Kamholz, who was interested in the molecular biology of myelination. During my fellowship, I became increasingly interested in the pathogenesis of inherited neuropathies, especially demyelinating neuropathies. In a career-altering collaboration with Dr. Kurt Fischbeck (Bergoffen et al., 1993), then a colleague at Penn, I was involved in the discovery that mutations in GJB1/Connexin32, the gene that encodes the gap junction protein connexin32 (Cx32) cause the X-linked form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (the eponym for inherited neuropathies).
Thus began one of the main lines of research in my laboratory – what are the functions of gap junctions in the myelin sheath, and how do mutations in the connexin genes disrupt these functions? Along with my colleagues and students, we have shown that Cx32 is expressed by myelinating Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes (Bergoffen et al., 1993; Scherer et al., 1995b; Kleopa et al., 2004), that there are functional gap junctions in the myelin sheath where Cx32 in localized (Balice-Gordon et al., 1998), that many connexin32 mutants cause a loss of function (Deschênes et al., 1997; Kleopa et al., 2002; Yum et al., 2002), and that oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells express other connexins that probably have overlapping functions (Altevogt et al., 2002; Kleopa et al., 2004). We have shown that Gjb1/cx32-null mice develop a demyelinating neuropathy (Scherer et al., 1998), and have made and analyzed transgenic mice that express loss-of-function mutation (R175frameship; (Abel et al., 1999), mutations that disrupt a prenylation site (C280S and S281x; (Huang et al., 2005), and a mutation that results in the retention of mutant Cx32 in the Golgi, where it appears to exert a dominant-negative effect on wild type Cx32 (R142W; (Bone Jeng et al., 2006). The current projects in my lab related to connexin biology are as follows:
- To determine what is important about Cx32, as compared to other connexins, by expressing various connexins and connexin chimeras in myelinating Schwann cells
- To determine whether the phenotypes of Cx32 mutations expressed in myelinating Schwann cells relates to their manifestations in humans. In particular, I am interested in how the clinical and subclinical CNS manifestations (Taylor et al., 2003) are produced
- To express various Cx32 mutants in Schwann cells with an adenovirus vector
- To determine the effects of recessive Cx47 mutations, which have recently been identified as the cause of Pelaeus-Merzbacher-like disease. Along with Cx29 and Cx32, Cx47 is expressed by oligodendrocytes (Menichella et al., 2003); the clinical and MRI findings in humans who lack functional Cx47 make a compelling case that this connexin plays an essential role in oligodendrocytes
- To determine how mutations in Cx43, which is expressed by astrocytes, affect astrocyte:oligodendrocyte coupling
- The role of Cx29 in myelinating glial cells
The structure and function of the myelinated axon is the other main focus of the lab. Beginning with our work on the localizations of Cx29, Cx32, and Cx47, we have examined many aspects of what might be called the “molecular architecture” of myelinated axons. We have examined the localizations of proteins associated with gap junctions, tight junctions, and adherens junctions, and how these are affected by abnormal myelination (Menichella et al., 2001; Poliak et al., 2002). Most of our effort, however, has been on understanding the repertoire of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, and their localization with respect to the PNS and CNS myelin sheaths (Arroyo et al., 1999; Arroyo and Scherer, 2000; Arroyo et al., 2001; Arroyo et al., 2002; Devaux et al., 2003; Arroyo et al., 2004; Devaux et al., 2004; Devaux and Scherer, 2005). The issues here are what molecules form the myelin sheath, and what are their functional roles? The emerging evidence indicates that molecular interactions between axons and myelinating glial cells cause regional specializations in axons that are required for saltatory conduction. Further, because demyelination disrupts these regional specializations, salutatory conduction fails. The goals of this work are to understand the molecular basis for conduction, and restore conduction in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. The current projects in this area are as follows:
- Determine the roles of KCNQ2, KCNQ3, and Kv3.1 in myelinated axons
- Detemine how demyelination and remyelination alter the various components of axons
- The role of the paranodal septate-like junction
In addition to these major topics, we have other projects. Dr. Sabrina Yum has a KO8 award to investigate how Cx26, Cx30, and Cx31 mutations cause hearing loss. I am interested in just about any aspect of Schwann cell biology - the role of neuregulins/erbB signaling (Cohen et al., 1992; Grinspan et al., 1996; Bermingham-McDonogh et al., 1997); their elaboration of trophic factors (Friedman et al., 1992; Scherer et al., 1993; Curtis et al., 1994; Scarlato et al., 2001; Scarlato et al., 2003); the roles of various transcription factors (Bermingham et al., 1996; Shy et al., 1996; Zorick et al., 1996; Arroyo et al., 1998; Bermingham et al., 2000; Awatramani et al., 2002; Bermingham et al., 2002); the expression of genes that may affect axonal regeneration (Burstyn-Cohen et al., 1998; Chernousov et al., 1999; Vogelezang et al., 1999; Vogelezang et al., 2001); the regulation of gene expression, particularly of genes that cause inherited demyelinating neuropathy (Scherer et al., 1995b; Scherer et al., 1995a; Street et al., 2003; Berger et al., 2004); whether the septate-like junctions are affected in an animal model of diabetic neuropathy (Brown et al., 2001).
- Abel A, Bone LJ, Messing A, Scherer SS, Fischbeck KH (1999) Studies in transgenic mice indicate a loss of connexin32 function in X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 58:702-710.
- Altevogt BM, Kleopa KA, Postma FR, Scherer SS, Paul DL (2002) Cx29 is uniquely distributed within myelinating glial cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems. J Neurosci 22:6458-6470.
- Arroyo EJ, Scherer SS (2000) On the molecular architecture of myelinated fibers. Histochem Cell Biol 113:1-18.
- Arroyo EJ, Bermingham JRJ, Rosenfeld MG, Scherer SS (1998) Promyelinating Schwann cells express Tst-1/SCIP/Oct-6. J Neurosci 18:7891-7902.
- Arroyo EJ, Sirkowski EE, Chitale R, Scherer SS (2004) Acute demyelination disrupts the molecular organization of PNS nodes. J Comp Neurol 479:424-434.
- Arroyo EJ, Xu T, Poliak S, Watson M, Peles E, Scherer SS (2001) Internodal specializations of myelinated axons in the CNS. Cell Tiss Res 305:53-66.
- Arroyo EJ, Xu Y-T, Zhou L, Messing A, Peles E, Chiu SY, Scherer SS (1999) Myelinating Schwann cells determine the internodal localization of Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kvb2, and Caspr. J Neurocytol 28:333-347.
- Arroyo EJ, Xu T, Grinspan J, Lambert S, Levinson SR, Brophy PJ, Peles E, Scherer SS (2002) Genetic dysmyelination alters the molecular architecture of the nodal region. J Neurosci 22:1726-1737.
- Awatramani R, Shumas S, Kamholz J, Scherer SS (2002) TGFb1 modulates the phenotype of Schwann cells at the transcriptional level. Mol Cell Neurosci 19:307-319.
- Balice-Gordon RJ, Bone LJ, Scherer SS (1998) Functional gap junctions in the Schwann cell myelin sheath. JCB 142:1095-1104.
- Berger P, Sirkowski EE, Scherer SS, Suter U (2004) Expression analysis of the N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) indicates that myelinating Schwann cells are the primary disease target in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy-Lom. Neurobiol Dis 17:290-299.
- Bergoffen J, Scherer SS, Wang S, Oronzi-Scott M, Bone L, Paul DL, Chen K, Lensch MW, Chance P, Fischbeck K (1993) Connexin mutations in X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Science 262:2039-2042.
- Bermingham JR, Shumas S, Whisenhunt T, Rosenfeld MG, Scherer SS (2000) A modification of representational difference analysis applied to the isolation of forskolin-regulated genes from Schwann cells. J Neurosci Res 63:516-524.
- Bermingham JR, Shumas S, Whisenhunt T, Sirkowski E, O'Connell S, Scherer SS, Rosenfeld MG (2002) Identification of genes that are downregulated in the absence of the POU domain transcription factor pou3f1 (Oct-6, Tst-1, SCIP) in sciatic nerve. J Neurosci 22:10217-10231.
- Bermingham JRJ, Scherer SS, O'Connell S, Arroyo E, Kalla K, Powell FR, Rosenfeld MG (1996) tst-1/SCIP/Oct-6 regulates a unique step in peripheral myelination and is required for normal respiration. Genes Dev 10:1751-1762.
- Bermingham-McDonogh O, Xu Y-T, Marchionni MA, Scherer SS (1997) Neuregulin expression in PNS neurons: isoforms and regulation by target interactions. Mol Cell Neurosci 10:184-195.
- Bone Jeng LJ, Messing A, Balice-Gordon R, Fischbeck KH, Scherer SS (2006) The effects of a dominant connexin32 mutant in myelinating Schwann cells.:(submitted).
- Brown AA, Xu T, Arroyo EJ, Levinson SR, Brophy PJ, Peles E, Scherer SS (2001) The molecular organization of the nodal region is not altered in spontaneously diabetic BB-Wistar rats. J Neurosci Res 65:139-149.
- Burstyn-Cohen T, Frumkin A, Xu Y-T, Scherer SS, Klar A (1998) Accumulation of F-spondin in injured peripheral nerve promotes the outgrowth of sensory axons. J Neurosci 18:8875-8885.
- Chernousov MA, Scherer SS, Stahl RC, Carey DJ (1999) p200, a protein secreted by Schwann cells, is a developmentally regulated collagen of the peripheral nervous system. J Neurosci Res 56:284-294.
- Cohen JA, Yachnis AT, Arai M, Davis JG, Scherer SS (1992) Expression of the neu proto-oncogene by Schwann cells during peripheral nerve development and Wallerian degeneration. J Neurosci Res 31:622-634.
- Curtis R, Scherer SS, Somogyi R, Adryan KM, Ip NY, Zhu Y, Lindsay RM, DiStefano PS (1994) Retrograde axonal transport of LIF is increased by peripheral nerve injury: correlation with increased LIF expression in distal nerve. Neuron 12:191-204.
- Deschênes SM, Walcott JL, Wexler TL, Scherer SS, Fischbeck KH (1997) Altered trafficking of mutant connexin32. J Neurosci 17:9077-9084.
- Devaux JJ, Scherer SS (2005) Altered ion channels in an animal model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type IA. J Neurosci 25:1470-1480.
- Devaux JJ, Kleopas AK, Cooper EC, Scherer SS (2004) KCNQ2 is a nodal K+ channel. J Neurosci 24:1236-1244.
- Devaux JJ, Alcaraz G, Grinspan J, Bennett V, Joho R, Crest M, Scherer SS (2003) Kv3.1 is a novel component of CNS nodes. J Neurosci 23:4509-4518.
- Friedman B, Scherer SS, Rudge JS, Helgren M, Morrisey D, Mcclain J, Wang DY, Wiegand SJ, Furth ME, Lindsay RM, Ip NY (1992) Regulation of ciliary neurotrophic factor expression in myelin-related Schwann cells in vivo. Neuron 9:295-305.
- Grinspan JB, Marchionni M, Reeves M, Coulaloglou M, Scherer SS (1996) Axonal interactions regulate Schwann cell apoptosis in developing peripheral nerve: neuregulin receptors and the role of neuregulins. J Neurosci 16:6107-6118.
- Huang Y, Sirkowski EE, Stickney JT, Scherer SS (2005) Prenylation-defective human connexin32 mutants are normally localized and function equivalently to wild type connexin32 in myelinating Schwann cells. J Neurosci 25:7111-7120.
- Kleopa KA, Yum SW, Scherer SS (2002) Cellular mechanisms of connexin32 mutations associated with CNS manifestations. J Neurosci Res 68:522-534.
- Kleopa KA, Orthmann JL, Enriquez A, Paul DL, Scherer SS (2004) Unique distributions of the gap junction proteins connexin29, connexin32, and connexin47 in oligodendrocytes. Glia 47:346-357.
- Menichella DM, Goodenough DA, Sirkowski E, Scherer SS, Paul DL (2003) Connexins are critical for normal myelination in the central nervous system. J Neurosci 23:5963-5973.
- Menichella DM, Arroyo EJ, Awatramani R, Xu T, Baron P, Vallat J-M, Balsamo J, Lilien J, Scarlato G, Kamholz J, Scherer SS, Shy ME (2001) Protein zero is necessary for cadherin-mediated adherens junction formation in Schwann cells. Mol Cell Neurosci 18:606-618.
- Poliak S, Matlis S, Ullmer C, Scherer SS, Peles E (2002) Distinct claudins and associated PDZ proteins form different autotypic tight junctions in myelinating Schwann cells. JCB 159:361-371.
- Scarlato M, Ara J, P. Bannerman, Scherer SS, Pleasure D (2003) Induction of neuropilins-1 and –2 and their ligands, Sema3A, Sema3F, and VEGF, during Wallerian degeneration in the peripheral nervous system. Exp Neurol 183:489-498.
- Scarlato M, Xu T, Bannerman P, Beesley J, Reddy UR, Rostami A, Scherer SS, Pleasure D (2001) Axon-Schwann cell interactions regulate the expression of fibroblast growth factor-5 (FGF-5). J Neurosci Res 66:16-22.
- Scherer SS (1986) Reinnervation of the extraocular muscles in goldfish is non-selective. J Neurosci 6:764-773.
- Scherer SS, Easter SS, Jr. (1984) Degenerative and regenerative changes in the trochlear nerve of goldfish. J Neurocytol 13:519-565.
- Scherer SS, Kamholz J, Jakowlew SB (1993) Axons modulate the expression of transforming growth factor-betas in Schwann cells. Glia 8:265-276.
- Scherer SS, Xu Y-T, Bannerman P, Sherman DL, Brophy PJ (1995a) Periaxin expression in myelinating Schwann cells: modulation by axon-glial interactions and polarized localization during development. Development 121:4265-4273.
- Scherer SS, Deschênes SM, Xu Y-T, Grinspan JB, Fischbeck KH, Paul DL (1995b) Connexin32 is a myelin-related protein in the PNS and CNS. J Neurosci 15:8281-8294.
- Scherer SS, Xu Y-T, Nelles E, Fischbeck K, Willecke K, Bone LJ (1998) Connexin32-null mice develop a demyelinating peripheral neuropathy. Glia 24:8-20.
- Shy M, Shi Y-j, Wrabetz L, Kamholz J, Scherer SS (1996) Axon-Schwann cell interactions regulate the expression of c-jun in Schwann cells. J Neurosci Res 43:511-525.
- Sperry RW, Arora HL (1965) Selectivity in the regeneration of the oculomotor nerve in the cichlid fish, Astronotus ocellatus. J Embryol exp Morph 14:307-317.
- Street VA, Bennett CL, Goldy JD, Shirk AJ, Kleopa KA, Tempel BL, Lipe HP, Scherer SS, Bird TD, Chance PF (2003) Mutations of a putative protein degradation gene LITAF/SIMPLE in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1C. Neurology 60:22-26.
- Taylor RA, Simon EM, Marks HG, Scherer SS (2003) The CNS phenotype of X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: more than a peripheral problem. Neurology 61:1475-1478.
- Vogelezang MG, Scherer SS, Fawcett J, ffrench-Constant C (1999) Regulation of fibronectin alternative splicing during nerve repair. J Neurosci Res 56:323-333.
- Vogelezang MG, Liu Z, Relvas JB, Raivich G, Scherer SS, ffrench-Constant C (2001) a4 Integrin is expressed during peripheral nerve regeneration and enhances neurite outgrowth. J Neurosci 21:6732-6744.
- Yum SW, Kleopa KA, Shumas S, Scherer SS (2002) Diverse trafficking abnormalities for connexin32 mutants causing CMTX. Neurobiol Dis 11:43-52.
- Zorick TS, Syroid DE, Arroyo E, Scherer SS, Lemke G (1996) The transcription factors SCIP and Krox-20 mark distinct stages and cell fates in Schwann cell differentiation. Mol Cell Neurosci 8:129-145.