In Memoriam

Rob Roy MacGregor, MD

faculty photo
Department: Medicine

Contact information
Suite D, 3 Silverstein Pavilion, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Princeton University, 1960.
Harvard University, 1964.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

MacGregor Rob Roy, Hafner Richard, Wu Julia W, Murphy Robert L, Perlman David C, Bermudez Luiz E, Inderlied Clark B, Picker Louis J, Wallis Robert S, Andersen Janet W, Mahon Laura F, Koletar Susan L, Peterson Dolores M: Clinical, microbiological, and immunological characteristics in HIV-infected subjects at risk for disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease: an AACTG study. AIDS research and human retroviruses 21(8): 689-95, Aug 2005.

MacGregor Rob Roy, Boyer Jean D, Ugen Kenneth E, Tebas Pablo, Higgins Terry J, Baine Yaela, Ciccarelli Richard B, Ginsberg Richard S, Weiner David B: Plasmid vaccination of stable HIV-positive subjects on antiviral treatment results in enhanced CD8 T-cell immunity and increased control of viral "blips". Vaccine 23(17-18): 2066-73, Mar 2005.

Brady KA, Boston RC, Aldrich JL, MacGregor RR: Stavudine entry into cerebrospinal fluid after single and multiple doses in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Pharmacotherapy 25(1): 10-7, Jan 2005.

Lo Re V 3rd, Occi JL, MacGregor RR: Indentifying the vector of Lyme disease. Amer Fam Phys 69(8): 1935-7, Apr 2004.

Aberg Judith A, Williams Paige L, Liu Tun, Lederman Howard M, Hafner Richard, Torriani Francesca J, Lennox Jeffrey L, Dube Michael P, MacGregor Rob Roy, Currier Judith S: A study of discontinuing maintenance therapy in human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects with disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex: AIDS Clinical Trial Group 393 Study Team. The Journal of infectious diseases 187(7): 1046-52, Apr 2003.

Herwaldt BL, McGovern PC, Gerwel MP, Easton RM, MacGregor RR: Endemic babesiosis in another eastern state: New Jersey. Emerg Infec Dis 9: 184-188, 2003.

Aberg JA, Williams PL, Liu T, Lederman HM, Hafner R, Torriani F, Lennox JL, Dube MP, MacGregor RR, Currier JS: A study of discontinuing maintenance therapy in HIV-infected subjects with disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (DMAC): ACTG 393 Study Team. J Infec Dis 187: 1046-1052, 2003.

MacGregor Rob Roy, Ginsberg Richard, Ugen Kenneth E, Baine Yaela, Kang Christina U, Tu Xin M, Higgins Terry, Weiner David B, Boyer Jean D: T-cell responses induced in normal volunteers immunized with a DNA-based vaccine containing HIV-1 env and rev. AIDS (London, England) 16(16): 2137-43, Nov 2002.

Ohkusu K, Nash KA, MacGregor RR, Inderlied CB: Colonizing and infecting Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)-strains from disseminated MAC disease (DMD) patients. Submitted to the American Society for Microbiology meeting April 2002.

Brady K, Levin M, Weinberg K, Lacy K, Smith G, MacGregor R: Safety and Immune Response to Varicella Vaccine in HIV-infected Adults Previously Infected with Varicella. Presented at the 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA Feb 2002.

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Last updated: 07/26/2019
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