Paul H. Axelsen, M.D.
Emeritus Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
Department: Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
Graduate Group Affiliations
Contact information
1009C Stellar Chance Laboratories, Department of System Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 898-9238
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Graduate Group in Pharmacological Sciences
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Graduate Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
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Graduate Group in Pharmacological Sciences
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Graduate Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
B.S. (Biochemistry, Summa cum Laude)
University of Minnesota, 1978.
M.D. (Medicine)
Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN, 1982.
Permanent linkB.S. (Biochemistry, Summa cum Laude)
University of Minnesota, 1978.
M.D. (Medicine)
Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN, 1982.
Description of Research Expertise
The Axelsen laboratory is focused on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, particularly in the roles of oxidative stress and protein lipid interactions. A variety of whole-animal models and in vitro systems are used, as well as a large repository of human brain samples. The laboratory has developed novel isotope-based techniques for characterizing oxidative stress in brain using mass spectrometry and various forms of optical spectroscopy, including infrared, fluorescence, and internal reflection spectroscopy.Selected Publications
Furman, R, Lee, JV, Axelsen, PH: Analysis of eicosanoid oxidation products in Alzheimer brain by LC-MS with uniformly 13C-labeled internal standards. free radical biology and medicine 118: 108-118, APR 2018.Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: Mass Exchange and Equilibration Processes in AOT Reverse Micelles. langmuir 34(7): 2522-2530, FEB 20 2018.
Grasso, G, Axelsen, PH: Effects of covalentmodification by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal on the noncovalent oligomerization of ubiquitin. journal of mass spectrometry 52(1): 36-42, JAN 2017.
Grasso, G, Komatsu, H, Axelsen, PH: Covalent modifications of the amyloid beta peptide by hydroxynonenal: Effects on metal ion binding by monomers and insights into the fibril topology. journal of inorganic biochemistry 174: 130-136, SEP 2017.
Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: Amyloid Beta Peptide Folding in Reverse Micelles. journal of the american chemical society 139(28): 9566-9575, JUL 19 2017.
Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: The Size of AOT Reverse Micelles. journal of physical chemistry b 120(44): 11337-11347, NOV 10 2016.
Axelsen, PH, Murphy, RC, Igarashi, M, Rapoport, SI: Increased omega 6-Containing Phospholipids and Primary omega 6 Oxidation Products in the Brain Tissue of Rats on an omega 3-Deficient Diet. plos one 11(10), OCT 27 2016.
Furman, R, Murray, IVJ, Schall, HE, Liu, QW, Ghiwot, Y, Axelsen, PH: Amyloid Plaque-Associated Oxidative Degradation of Uniformly Radiolabeled Arachidonic Acid. acs chemical neuroscience 7(3): 367-377, MAR 2016.
Klinger, AL, Kiselar, J, Ilchenko, S, Komatsu, H, Chance, MR, Axelsen, PH: A Synchrotron-Based Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting Analysis of Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Intermediates with Residue-Specific Resolution. biochemistry 53(49): 7724-7734, DEC 16 2014.
Murphy, RC, Axelsen, PH: MASS SPECTROMETRIC ANALYSIS OF LONG-CHAIN LIPIDS. mass spectrometry reviews 30(4): 579-599, JUL-AUG 2011.
Axelsen, PH, Komatsu, H, Murray, IVJ: Oxidative Stress and Cell Membranes in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s Disease. physiology 26(1): 54-69, FEB 2011.
Komatsu, H, Feingold-Link, E, Sharp, KA, Rastogi, T, Axelsen, PH: Intrinsic Linear Heterogeneity of Amyloid beta Protein Fibrils Revealed by Higher Resolution Mass-per-length Determinations. journal of biological chemistry 285(53): 41843-41851, DEC 31 2010.