Selected Publications
Glanz K, Metcalfe JJ, Folta SC, Brown A, Fiese B: Diet and Health Benefits Associated with In-Home Eating and Sharing Meals at Home: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(4): 1577, 2021.
Guerra CE, Kelly S, Redlinger C, Hernandez P, Glanz K.: Pancreatic cancer treatment trials accrual: A closer look at participation rates. Amer J Clin Oncology.
44: 227-231, 2021.
Glanz K, Chung A, Morales KH, Kwong PL, Wiebe D, Giordano DP, Brensinger CM, Karpyn A: The Healthy Food Marketing Strategies Study: Design, baseline characteristics and supermarket compliance. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 10(6): 1266-1276, Dec 2020.
Bleakley A, Tam V, Orchinik J, Glanz K.: How individual and neighborhood characteristics relate to health topic awareness and information seeking. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health. 12: 100657, 2020.
Glanz K, Fenoglio C, Quinn R, Karpyn A, Giordano DP. : Consumers’ ability to distinguish between milk types: results of blind taste testing. Family and Community Health. Oct 2020.
Glanz K, Green S, Avelis J, Melvin CL: Putting Evidence Academies into Action: Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Tobacco Control Science. Preventive Medicine. 129: 105848, 2019.
Glanz K, Shaw P, Hoffer K, Chung A, Zhu J, Wu R, Huang Q, Choi J, Volpp K.: The Healthy Weigh Study of Lottery-based Incentives and Environmental Strategies for Weight Loss: Design and Baseline Characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 76: 24-30, 2019.
Glanz K, Jordan A, Lazovich DA, Bleakley A: Frequent Indoor Tanners’ Beliefs About Indoor Tanning and Cessation. American Journal of Health Promotion. 33(2): 293-299, 2019.
Saelens B, Glanz K, Frank L, Couch S, Zhou C, Colburn T, Sallis JF.: Two-Year Changes in Child Weight Status, Diet, and Activity by Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Obesity. 26: 1388-1346, 2018.
Green SH, Glanz K: Development of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS-P). American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 49(1): 50-61, Jul 2015.
Ho R, Glanz K: "Sudden death during triathlons: the heart of the swim.” Annals of Internal Medicine. 167: 589-590, 2017.
Glanz K, Johnson L, Yaroch A, Phillips M, Ayala G, Davis E: Measures of Retail Food Store Environments and Sales: Review and Implications for Healthy Eating Initiatives. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 48: 280-288, 2016 Notes: Recognized as one of the “most read/downloaded” JNEB articles, second quarter 2016. Recognized by JNEB as a ‘high-impact paper’ based on citations, 2019.
Glanz K, Handy SL, Henderson KE, Slater SJ, Davis E, Powell LM: Built Environment Assessment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Social Science and Medicine: Population Health. 2: 24-31, 2016.
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Last updated: 12/06/2021
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania