faculty photo

Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH

George A. Weiss University Professor
Department: Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Contact information
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
801 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021
Office: 215-898-0613
Fax: 215-573-5315
B.A. (With Distinction, in Spanish)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974.
M.P.H. (Health Behavior and Health Education)
University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, 1977.
Ph.D. (Health Behavior and Health Education)
University of Michigan Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Ann Arbor, 1979.
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Selected Publications

Glanz K, Metcalfe JJ, Folta SC, Brown A, Fiese B: Diet and Health Benefits Associated with In-Home Eating and Sharing Meals at Home: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(4): 1577, 2021.

Guerra CE, Kelly S, Redlinger C, Hernandez P, Glanz K.: Pancreatic cancer treatment trials accrual: A closer look at participation rates. Amer J Clin Oncology. 44: 227-231, 2021.

Glanz K, Chung A, Morales KH, Kwong PL, Wiebe D, Giordano DP, Brensinger CM, Karpyn A: The Healthy Food Marketing Strategies Study: Design, baseline characteristics and supermarket compliance. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 10(6): 1266-1276, Dec 2020.

Bleakley A, Tam V, Orchinik J, Glanz K.: How individual and neighborhood characteristics relate to health topic awareness and information seeking. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health. 12: 100657, 2020.

Glanz K, Fenoglio C, Quinn R, Karpyn A, Giordano DP. : Consumers’ ability to distinguish between milk types: results of blind taste testing. Family and Community Health. Oct 2020.

Glanz K, Green S, Avelis J, Melvin CL: Putting Evidence Academies into Action: Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Tobacco Control Science. Preventive Medicine. 129: 105848, 2019.

Glanz K, Shaw P, Hoffer K, Chung A, Zhu J, Wu R, Huang Q, Choi J, Volpp K.: The Healthy Weigh Study of Lottery-based Incentives and Environmental Strategies for Weight Loss: Design and Baseline Characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 76: 24-30, 2019.

Glanz K, Jordan A, Lazovich DA, Bleakley A: Frequent Indoor Tanners’ Beliefs About Indoor Tanning and Cessation. American Journal of Health Promotion. 33(2): 293-299, 2019.

Saelens B, Glanz K, Frank L, Couch S, Zhou C, Colburn T, Sallis JF.: Two-Year Changes in Child Weight Status, Diet, and Activity by Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Obesity. 26: 1388-1346, 2018.

Green SH, Glanz K: Development of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS-P). American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 49(1): 50-61, Jul 2015.

Ho R, Glanz K: "Sudden death during triathlons: the heart of the swim.” Annals of Internal Medicine. 167: 589-590, 2017.

Glanz K, Johnson L, Yaroch A, Phillips M, Ayala G, Davis E: Measures of Retail Food Store Environments and Sales: Review and Implications for Healthy Eating Initiatives. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 48: 280-288, 2016 Notes: Recognized as one of the “most read/downloaded” JNEB articles, second quarter 2016. Recognized by JNEB as a ‘high-impact paper’ based on citations, 2019.

Glanz K, Handy SL, Henderson KE, Slater SJ, Davis E, Powell LM: Built Environment Assessment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Social Science and Medicine: Population Health. 2: 24-31, 2016.

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Last updated: 12/06/2021
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