Guray Erus, Ph.D.
Senior Research Investigator
Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging Lab (AIBIL)
Center for Biomedical Image Computing & Analytics (CBICA)
Department of Radiology
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Richards Labs, Suite 700D
3700 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Personal webpage
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition - Paris Descartes University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics (Paris, France)
M.Sc. in Cognitive Science - Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute (Ankara, Turkey)
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering - Middle East Technical University, Computer Engineering Dept. (Ankara, Turkey)
Research Interests
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and analysis, biomedical image analysis, neuroimaging;
My research on neuroimaging pattern analysis aims to detect, quantify and analyze spatial patterns of structural brain changes due to pathological or non-pathological processes, using high dimensional MRI image data and advanced machine learning and statistical analysis techniques.
For a full list of publications you can go to: Google Scholar, or PubMed.