RGC Winner 2019
Dear CCI,
We are pleased to announce the winner of the 5th Annual Richard Carroll Excellence in Research Award. This year’s winner is Anthony Secreto. Tony is a leader in the NSG mouse core and his group has been an essential cog in our translational research machine for a very long time (at least 15 years). In addition to the wonderful support Tony has provided CCI over the years, Tony was a dear friend of Richard and they shared the joy of playing music though Richard would often use quotation marks when talking about the “music” Tony played (lots of screaming with little melody)
The purpose of this award as you may remember is to acknowledge the folks behind the scenes that make things happen but often do not get recognized for their efforts-like the award’s namesake Richard Carroll. Richard was a wonderful scientist who had an infectious love of science and working in the lab. Richard often did the jobs that did not get much fanfare to make the entire CCI program more successful in getting therapies to patients. Richard was a big fan of Tony and his “can do” attitude. Tony is always willing to try new things (within the confines of IUCUC protocols, of course) and his expertise developing NSG models has been a great resource for folks planning these complicated experiments and getting cellular therapies into patients. Tony is truly following in Richard’s footsteps by making the CCI output greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Tony will get a plaque acknowledging him as the winner of the award and her name will join Shannon’s, Hong’s, Simon’s, and Cynthia on wall near the elevator. Tony will also be able to attend a meeting of his choice or to attend workshop to improve his skills a researcher. Richard was a firm believer that everyone doing science should always be learning new things and by allowing folks who normally don’t attend meetings to go, we further pay tribute to Richard’s ideals and values.
Please join us in congratulating Tony on being recognized by this award.
All the best,
Richard Carroll Award Selection Committee.