Selected Publications
- The subthalamic nucleus contributes causally to perceptual decision-making in monkeys. Branam, K, Gold JI, Ding L. eLife 2024; 13:RP98345.
- Neural Representations of Post-Decision Accuracy and Reward Expectation in the Caudate Nucleus and Frontal Eye Field. Fan, Y, Doi T, Gold JI, Ding L. J Neurosci 2024 44(2):e0902232023.
- Contributions of the Basal Ganglia to Visual Perceptual Decisions. Ding L. Ann Rev Vision Science 2023; 9: 385-407.
- Frontal eye field and caudate neurons make different contributions to reward-biased perceptual decisions. Fan Y, Gold JI, Ding L eLife 2020; 9: e60535.
- The caudate nucleus contributes causally to decisions that balance reward and uncertain visual information. Doi T, Fan Y, Gold JI, Ding L eLife 2020;9:e56694.
- Ongoing, rational calibration of reward-driven perceptual biases. Fan Y, Gold JI, Ding L eLife 2018;7:e36018.
- Distinct dynamics of ramping activity in the frontal cortex and caudate nucleus in monkeys. Ding L. J Neurophysiol 2015 Sep;114(3):1850-61. Publication on Pubmed
- The basal ganglia's contributions to perceptual decision making. Ding L, Gold JI. Neuron 2013 Aug 21;79(4):640-9. Publication on Pubmed
- Separate, causal roles of the caudate in saccadic choice and execution in a perceptual decision task. Ding L, Gold JI. Neuron 2012 Sep 6;75(5):865-74. Publication on Pubmed | YouTube Video on Basal Ganglia in Perceptual Decision Making
- Neural correlates of perceptual decision making before, during, and after decision commitment in monkey frontal eye field. Ding L, Gold JI. Cerebral Cortex 2012 May;22(5):1052-67. Publication on Pubmed
- Caudate encodes multiple computations for perceptual decisions. Ding L, Gold JI. J Neurosci 2010 Nov 24;30(47):15747-59. Publication on Pubmed
- Temporal development of asymmetric reward-induced bias in macaques. Ding L, Hikosaka O. J Neurophysiol 2007 Jan;97(1):57-61. Publication on Pubmed
- Comparison of reward modulation in the frontal eye field and caudate of the macaque. Ding L, Hikosaka O. J Neurosci 2006 Jun 21;26(25):6695-703. Publication on Pubmed