Q: How do I submit samples?

A: For PENN users: Please bring your samples to the top shelf of the CyTOF Core 4 degree fridge, which is located at Lab Bench 328-C, Rm 328 BRB II/III. Samples should be kept in PBS/Iridium solution. We will pick them up on the following morning for sample processing and data acquisition. For Non PENN Users, please see the Q&A below.

Q: Do you accept samples from outside institutions?

A: The UPENN CyTOF Core can receive samples from external institutions both academic and non-academic. Please stain samples and keep them in a small amount of PBS/Iridium solution. 1ml of PBS/Iridium in eppi tubes works fine. Then, send them to us in overnight packages. The address is:
Takuya Ohtani, PhD
Institute for Immunology
University of Pennsylvania
328 Biomedical Research Building II/III
421 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-573-1006

Q: How do I receive the data? What is PENN+Box?

Once data acquisition is finished, we will upload the data to PENN+Box. PENN+Box is a cloud based data sharing service supported by the University of Pennsylvania (https://www.isc.upenn.edu/pennbox). You will receive an email containing sharing invites.