I3H Sponsored Events
- Immunology Colloquium - (Hybrid) - Weekly - Tuesdays at 4PM
- Research in Progress - (Hybrid) - Weekly - Fridays at 12PM
- MITI Seminar - (Hybrid) - Monthly - Fridays at 3PM
Upcoming Symposiums
- Colton Symposium (Internal) - April 11, 2023 - Chestnut Hill College’s The Commonwealth Chateau at Sugarloaf (9220 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118)
- IFI Year in Review - June 7, 2023 - Smilow - Keynote is Daniel Mucida, PhD
Gemini Workshops
- Making graphs with Ggplot and R - April 4th
- Designing Scientific Figures with Adobe Illustrator and R - April 25th