


  • Deep immune profiling of COVD-19 patients reveals distinct immunotypes with therapeutic implications. Mathew D, Giles JR, Baxter AE, Oldridge DA, Greenplate AR, Wu JE, Alanio C, Kuri-Cervantes L, Pampena MB, D'Andrea K, Manne S, Chen Z, Huang YJ, Reilly JP, Weisman AR, Ittner CAG, Kuthuru O, Dougherty J, Nzingha K, Han N, Kim J, Pattekar A, Goodwin EC, Anderson EM, Weirick ME, Gouma S, Arevalo CP, Bolton MJ, Chen F, Lacey SF, Ramage H, Cherry S, Hensley SE, Apostolidis SA, Huang AC, Vella LA; UPenn COVID Processing Unit, Betts MR, Meyer NJ, Wherry EJ. Science Sep 4;369(6508):eabc8511 PMID: 32669297
  • SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among parturient women in Philadelphia. Flannery DD, Gouma S, Dhudasia MB, Mukhopadhyay S, Pfeifer MR, Woodford EC, Gerber JS, Arevalo CP, Bolton MJ, Weirick ME, Goodwin EC, Anderson EM, Greenplate AR, Kim J, Han N, Pattekar A, Dougherty J, Kuthuru O, Mathew D, Baxter AE, Vella LA, Weaver J, Verma A, Leite R, Morris JS, Rader DJ, Elovitz MA, Wherry EJ, Puopolo KM, Hensley SE. Sci Immunol. 2020 Jul 29;5(49):eabd5709. PMID: 32727884