faculty photo

Erica Weitz

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department: Psychiatry

Contact information
Tufts University, 2005.
M.A. (Child Development)
Tufts University, 2007.
Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology)
Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), 2017.
Post-Graduate Training
Psychology Intern, Christiana Care Hospital, Newark, Delaware, 2020-2020.
Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, University of Pennsylvania, 2021-Present.
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Selected Publications

Bredemeier, K., Larsen, S., Shivakumar, G., Grubbs, K., McLean, C., Tress, C., Rosenfield, D., DeRubeis, R., Xu, C., Foa, E., Morland, L., Pai, A., Tsao, C., Crawford, J., Weitz, E., Mayinja, L., Feler, B., Wachsman, T., Lupo, M., … Thase, M. : A comparison of prolonged exposure therapy, pharmacotherapy, and their combination for PTSD: What works best and for whom; study protocol for a randomized trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 119, 2022.

Driessen, E., Cohen, Z. D., Weissman, M. M., Markowitz, J. C., Weitz, E. S., Hollon, S. D., Browne, D. T., Rucci, P., Corda, C., Menchetti, M., Bagby, R. M., Quilty, L. C., O’Hara, M. W., Zlotnick, C., Pearlstein, T., Blom, M. B. J., Altamura, M., Gois, C., Schneider, L. S., … Cuijpers, P. : The efficacy of antidepressant medication and interpersonal psychotherapy for adult acute-phase depression: study protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. BJPsych Open 7(2), 2021.

Boschloo L., Bekhuis E., Weitz E., Reijnders M., DeRubeis R., Dimidjian S., Dunner D., Dunlop B., Hegerl U., Hollon S., Jarrett R., Kennedy S., Miranda J., Mohr D., Simons A., Parker G., Petrak F., Herpertz S., Quilty L., Rush AJ., Segal Z., Vittengl J., Schoevers R., Cuijpers P : The symptom-specific efficacy of antidepressant medication vs. cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression: results from an individual patient data meta-analysis. World Psychiatry 18(2): 183-91, June 2019.

Weitz E., Kleiboer A., van Straten A., & Cuijpers P.: The effects of psychotherapy for depression on anxiety symptoms: a meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 48(13): 2140-52, October 2018.

Furukawa T., Efthimiou O., Weitz E., Cipriani A., Keller M., Kocsis J., Klein D., Michalak J., Salanti G., Cuijpers P., Schramm E : Cognitive-Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy, Drug, or Their Combination for Persistent Depressive Disorder: Personalizing the Treatment Choice Using Individual Participant Data Network Metaregression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 87(3): 140-53, May 2018.

Driessen E., Abbass A., Barber J., Gibbons MB., Dekker J., Fokkema M., Fonagy P., Hollon S., Jansma E., de Maat S., Town J., Twisk J., Van H., Weitz E., Cuijpers P : Which patients benefit specifically from short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy(STPP) for depression? Study protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. BMJ Open 8(2): e018900, February 2018.

Sijbrandij M., Acarturk C., Bird M., Bryant R., Burchert S., Carswell K., Jong J., Dinesen C., Dawson K., Chammay R., van Ittersum L., Jordans M., Knaevelsrud C., McDaid D., Miller K., Morina N., Park A., Roberts B., van Son Y., Sondorp E., Pfaltz M., Ruttenberg L., Schick M., Schnyder U., van Ommeren M., Ventevogel P., Weissbecker I., Weitz E., Wiedemann N., Whitney C., and Cuijpers P: Strengthening mental health care systems for Syrian refugees in Europe and the Middle East: integrating scalable psychological interventions in eight countries. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8(Supplement 2): 1388102, November 2017.

Cuijpers P., Weitz E., Cristea IA., & Twisk J.: Pre-post effect sizes should be avoided in metaanalyses. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 26(4): 364-68, August 2017.

Furukawa T., Weitz E., Tanaka S., Hollon S., Hofmann S., Andersson G., Twisk J., DeRubeis R., Dimidjian S., Hegerl U., Mergl R., Jarrett R., Vittengl J., Watanabe N., Cuijpers P: Initial severity of depression and efficacy of cognitive–behavioural therapy: individual-participant data meta-analysis of pill-placebo-controlled trials. British Journal of Psychiatry 210(3): 190-96, March 2017.

Weitz E., Kleiboer A., van Straten A., & Hollon S.: Individual patient data meta-analysis of combined treatments versus psychotherapy (with or without pill placebo), pharmacotherapy, or pill placebo for adult depression: a protocol. BMJ Open 7(2): e013478, February 2017.

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Last updated: 11/01/2023
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