Private contributions are crucial for supporting scientific breakthroughs that will lead to a greater understanding of respiratory disease and new treatments for some of the greatest threats to human health worldwide.

No gift is too small or too large. Every dollar contributed makes a difference and brings us closer to the next discovery or advancement in patient care.


LBI Innovation & Discovery Fund

Tax-deductible contributions to the LBI Innovation and Discovery Fund provide LBI leadership the flexibility to direct funding to areas where the need is greatest.

Named Funds

A gift can be used to establish a fund named in your honor or that of a loved one, and enables you to direct resources to specific research initiatives, new pilot programs, faculty support, or education for the next generation of physician-scientists. The pledge may be paid over multiple years.

For information about other ways to donate or inquire about establishing a named fund please contact:

Christian C. Hyde
Associate Director of Development
Penn Medicine Development and Alumni Relations
3535 Market Street, Suite 750
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 573-0240