Penn SRP Center Investigators & Trainee Presentations
International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, April 2019, Baltimore, MD.
Edward (Ted) Emmett (Penn SRP Core B, Community Engagement Core Leader) participated on panel discussion for Incorporating the Community into Risk Communication titled "What does a Successful Risk Communication Strategy for PFAS Sites Look Like?
Dr. Emmett also gave a talk titled "Use of Media to Communicate Site Risks and Potential Future Use: The Ambler and Bo-Rit Case Study."
Conference Program found here
Panel Discussion found here
Talk found here
Michigan Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association Annual Meeting, September 2018.
Edward (Ted) Emmett (Penn SRP Core B, Community Engagement Core Leader) gave the 2018 Carey Pratt McCord Lecture, titled "Environmental Asbestos Exposure and Asbestos-Related Disease."
Presentation found here
Trainees of Superfund Research Programs from University of Pennsylvania, Duke University, University of Kentucky and University of Louisville, attended the 2018 Science + Policy Institute for the Superfund Research Partnerships Network this July 11th and 12th in Washington, DC.
While there, the Penn SRP Trainees, the RTC/CEC coordinators and the Director of the Penn SRP Research Translation Core, Rich Pepino, stopped in to pay a visit to Pennsylvania Senator Casey and had an opportunity to meet with Adam Tarr, Senator Casey's energy and environment staffer.
Link here for the Event Program
International Societies for Envirnmental Epidemiology and International Society for Exposure Science. Taipei, Taiwan, June, 2018.
Edward (Ted) Emmett, MD, MS (Penn SRP Core B, Community Engagement Leader) gave plenary address "Working with Communities Using Epidemiology to Address Environmental Health Issues in Times of Technologic and Social Change.
Click here for a link to the video.
Penn Superfund Research Program Center Investigators Attended the 2018 the American Occupational Health (AOH) Conference on May 2, 2018 in New Orleans, LA
Edward (Ted) Emmett, MD, MS (Penn SRP Core B, Comunity Engagement Leader) and Anil Vachani, MD, MS (Co-Principal Investigator , Penn SRP Project 6, Biomarkers of Asbestos Exposure) participated in the American Occupational Health (AOH) Conference in a session entitled, “Asbestos Related Disease: Now Environmental Diseases” alongside presenters, Charles (Brad) Black, MD, (Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD), Libby, Montana, Libby, MT) and Tracy McNew, MS also of the Libby CARD.
The session discussed the changes in the historical and clinical presentations of Asbestos Related Disease (ARD) from environmental, non-occupational sources. It identified emerging exposures and unique community surveillance in Libby, MT.
Community and 21st Century Asbestos Exposure and Disease. — Edward A. Emmett, MD, MS, Penn SRP, Community Engagement Core Director
Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of ARD.- Anil Vachani, MD, MS, Co-Principal Investigator, Penn SRP, Project 6, Biomarkers of Asbestos Exposure
Penn Superfund Research Program Center Investigators Attended the 2018 NE Region Superfund Research Program (SRP) Meeting, held in Woods Hole, MA
The 2018 Northeast SRP Meeting in Woods Hole (March 26-27, 2018) brought together the eight Superfund Research Program Centers in the northeast for two days of scientific sessions with a special focus on trainee development.
Ian Blair, as Director of the Penn SRP Center organized and chaired Scientific Session 4 “Addressing Community Concerns about Environmental Hazards”, during this NE SRP Meeting that provided four examples of interactions between SRP Centers and their local communities. The speakers of this session discussed various aspects of communicating risk. The session concluded with a panel discussion focused on the issues raised and with questions from the session’s audience.
- Penn Superfund Research and Training Program Center: Overview: Asbestos, fate, exposure, remediation and adverse health effects. Ian A. Blair, PhD, Penn SRP Director
- Validating protein biomarkers with mass spectrometry and molecular biology: a revolution. Ian A. Blair, PhD, Penn SRP Director and Leader, Project 6 for more details see the Weng L, Guo L, Vachani A, Mesaros CA, Blair IA paper in Analytical Chemistry
Penn Superfund Research Program Center Investigator and Trainee Attended and Presented during the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
Trainee of Penn SRP Project 2 presented at the largest Earth and Space Science meeting in the world held in New Orleans, Louisiana with an expected attendance of 24,000 of the best and brightest minds from around the globe in the pursuit of high quality science, knowledge, and a more sustainable future:
Direct observation and determination of the mechanisms governing mobility of asbestos in porous media. Speaker, Ali Seiphoori, PhD, Penn SRP Postdctoral Trainee, for Project 2
Penn Superfund Research Program and Training Center is co-host and organizer of the 30th Annual NIEHS Superfund Research Program, December 6-8, 2017, Loews Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The theme for this 30th Annual Meeting of the Superfund Research Program Centers was “Fundamental Research for Innovation and Health”. A major objective of the meeting was to identify how collaboration across disciplines within SRP centers, as well as with different SRP centers, and external partners has generated innovation in environmental health science research.
Links to the website, program/agenda, multimedia, etc below:
- SRP 2017 Annual Meeting Website
- FULL Program
- Web Agenda
- Posters and Presentations
- Multimedia (photos and video)
Penn Superfund Research Program (SRP) Center Investigator Presents at the Second International Conference on Cytokine Signaling in Cancer in Heraklion, Crete, Greece from May 30 to June 4, 2017.
The synthetic lignan Secoisolaricirecinol Diglucoside (LGM2605) prevents asbestos-induced inflammasome activation and cytokine secretion in murine macrophages. Speaker Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou, PhD, Penn SRP Center Project Leader of Project 5
Penn Superfund Research Program (SRP) Center Investigators and Trainee Presentations at the 2017 NE Region SRP Meeting in April, held in the Cabral Center located within the John D. O’Bryant African-American Center on the Northeastern University Campus
Penn SRP Center oral presentations made at the 2017-NE SRP linked below:
- University of Pennsylvania SRP Center – Ian Blair, Penn SRP Director
- Realities of Environmental Toxicity and Their Ramifications for Community Engagement, Speaker: Edward A. Emmett, Penn SRP CEC Leader
- Resources for Education and Action for Community Health at a Superfund Site, Speaker: Frances K. Barg, Penn SRP Leader of Project 3
Penn SRP Center Investigators and Trainee Presentations at Borit Community Advisory Group (CAG) Meetings in Ambler, April 4th, 2016 and June 1st, 2016
- Penn MEASURE-Mesothelioma and the Environment in Ambler Study: Understanding Risk from Exposure, Speakers Fran K. Barg, PhD and Douglas Dwiebe, PhD, Penn SRP Center, Project 3, 04/04/2016
- Bioremediation of Asbestos, Speaker Sanjay K. Mohanty, Postdoctoral fellow Penn SRP Center, Project 1, 04/04/2016
- Asbestos in Ambler Air, Speaker Reto Giere, PhD, Penn SRP Center, Project 1, 06/01/2016
Penn SRP Center Investigator Presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma hosted by The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and the National Cancer Institute, at the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, March 2-4, 2015.
At this event the entire mesothelioma community came together to learn of the newest advances in the science and research of mesothelioma and also to discover new treatments and approaches to improve the quality of life of those diagnosed with the disease. It allowed patients, caregivers, scientists and bereaved to share personal experiences and learn from each other. Patients really appreciated being able to speak one on one with doctors outside of a medical setting and researchers got to put a face to their research.
From Nature to the clinic-managing side effects of radiotherapy for cancer treatment. Speaker Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou, PhD, Penn SRP Center Project 5 Leader
Penn SRP Center Investigators & Trainee Presentations at the 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, August 2014
Researchers and Trainees from the Penn SRP Center make oral and poster presentation at the 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, August 2014.
Penn SRP Center oral presentations at the ACS Meeting are linked below.
- Ian A. Blair, Director Penn SRP, Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress.
- Nathaniel Snyder, Postdoc Trainee Project 6, Acyl-coenzyme A thioesters for pesticides, Parkinson's, and metabolism.