E. Revell Martin
E. Revell Martin, BA, Senior Research Coordinator, has served as a reader at the Ophthalmology Reading Center since the beginning of the Complications of Age-related Macular Degeneration Trial (CAPT ) in 1998, which looked at using low intensity laser treatment to prevent vision loss . In 2004 she earned certification as a fundus photographer for the Age-related Macular Degeneration among Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Study (AMDAD).
She has worked on the Retinopathy in Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (RCRIC) study, investigating the relationship between retinopathy and chronic renal failure and cardiovascular disease in patients with end stage renal disease; and the Comparison of Age Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Trial (CATT) cohort study which compared treatments with Lucentis and Avastin.
Ms. Martin is currently involved in the telemedicine in retinopathy of pre-maturity (e-ROP) study, which is investigating the validity, reliability, feasibility and safety of a ROP telemedicine evaluation system; the Mobility Study; and the IDx-DR Study looking at the feasibility and efficacy of the IDx-DR program in identifying the severity of diabetic retinopathy using the ICDR classification.
She is a member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology and has several peer reviewed publications in ophthalmology journals.
Senior Research Coordinator
Phone: 215-615-1520
Fax: 215-615-1533
E-mail: ermartin@pennmedicine.upenn.edu