HUP/PPMC Internal Medicine Residency IT Onboarding


Hello new interns! My name is Flint Wang, and I am one of the hospitalist attendings at HUP and PPMC. I will be helping you through the IT portion of your Internal Medicine Residency intern orientation at Penn. I will first preface by saying I do not work for IT so I will do my best to help with the education part but may have to refer you to the Information Technology/Information Service (IT/IS) group for things like passwords and credentials. IT Help Desk for all of Penn: 215-662-7474 (24/7). 

Here you will find resources to set up your new work phone and laptop. You will also view videos created specifically for the IM residency taught in on-the-job workflow format rather than standalone software tutorials. Of note, the Epic 4-hour teaching session you will participate in is a mandatory UPHS requirement that you cannot test out of so I have created these additional supplemental materials to be as applicable to the HUP/PPMC IM residency group.

If you have issues you can reach out to me at or 267-254-7586 (cell). 




Section 1: Phone/Laptop Setup

Complete the self-guided inpatient phone/laptop setup below (PPT) in order to set up home access, download and log in to relevant apps. Click the bottom right corner button to view in fullscreen.

Section 2: Workflow-Based Tutorials

For 2024, we have modified the IM-specific videos to be taught in the order of an on-the-job workflow rather than as isolated Epic, Carelign, and app tutorials. You can adjust to fullscreen if easier and you can also watch these on your phone on the wards. You may want to bring headphones/earbuds on Day 1 in case you need to watch one of these videos while on your first day in the workroom. Also, I highly recommend you watch the most relevant videos to your first rotation multiple times to memorize the steps.


Night Before Workflow Video (13 min):

Watch this video to personalize Epic and Carelign in the days before you start your first day of intern year. 


Day 1 Workflow Video (25 min):

Watch this video to see the tasks you'll need to do on day 1 including previewing night events, signing in, writing notes, placing orders, calling consults, and documenting in Carelign.


First Admission Workflow Video (15 min):

Watch this video to see how to go from admission page to notes/orders in the chart.


First Discharge Workflow Video (7 min):

Watch this video to see how to discharge a patient.


Nightfloat Shift Workflow Video (6 min):

Watch this video to see how to start your evening on your first nightfloat shift.


Section 3: Epic and Carelign Playground Environments (Mandatory)

Epic Playground Activity (estimated time 60-90 minutes)

Now that you have watched the videos to prepare you for Epic, this activity will guide you through the Epic training playground where you can put in admission orders, order labs, write an H&P, add your patient to a list, etc to best prepare you for Day 1. Please note that in the training playground you are NOT using your real Epic username/password but instead using one of the training playground usernames/passwords provided in the document.


Download the EPIC Training Playground instructions here: EPIC Training Playground Instructions


Carelign Playground Activity (estimated time 15-30 minutes)

Carelign no longer has a training playground so we will use the real software but with test patients. Go to When looking up patients, type in zzz then hit Enter. You can choose from any of the numbered Carelign test patients. Of note many of these contain old Carelign information from prior simulation activities where Carelign used to be used for different purposes. Try adding a Summary one-liner, use the Misc problem to add an FYI about cefepime/vancomycin starting 6/15 - current, make 6/18/24 Day Events and 6/18/24 Night Events tasks that are highlighted orange with a sun or a moon, and clear the task. Try scrolling through vitals, labs, and medications (noting this is a test patient so much of it is not populated)

Section 4: VA Resources

For those rotating at the VA, the VA has a completely different IT system called CPRS that is separate from Penn's IT system. Former Penn IM residents who are now attendings have put together several useful documents that might be helpful regarding access issues and general workflows. Thanks to Drs. Grant Barton, Melanie Woodward, Neha Mukunda, Corey Watts, and Andrew Orr at the VA for these helpful documents. 

LIVE DOCUMENT FOR ALL VA PHONE EXTENSION CODES (CHIEF RESIDENTS CAN UPDATE IT LIVE): VA numbers.docx (would open this page and bookmark it on your phone to your home page of the phone)

VA Resident Access Guide

Getting Things Done at the VA

Electronic Signature Code Change Instructions