Medical Humanities Council Faculty Partners

The Medical Humanities Council is grateful to have many faculty members that work or are engaged with the Medical Humanities provide support and mentorship to interested medical students. Faculty members, their position, contact information and medical humanities areas of interests are listed below. 

Areas of Interest include: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Music, Visual Art, Ethics, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology.

Amanda Finegold Swain

Amanda Finegold Swain

Assistant Professor Department of Family Medicine & Community Health

Dr. Swain is the MHC Faculty Advisor. She's involved with creating and supervising medical humanities electives (non-credit) at PSOM. 

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing

Jeffrey Millstein

Jeffrey Millstein

Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine

Dr. Millstein is a general internist, educator and writer, who enjoys writing/publishing narrative fiction and non-fiction and writes regularly for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing

David S. Barnes

David S. Barnes

Associate Professor of History & Sociology of Science

Areas of Interest: Writing, History

Jonathan D. Moreno

Jonathan D. Moreno

David & Lyn Silfen University Professor, Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy and of History & Sociology of Science

Areas of Interest: Philosophy, Bioethics, History, Sociology 

Josh Kayser

Josh Kayser

Professor of Clinical Medicine & Medical Ethics

Dr. Kayser educates at the UME and GME level at the intersection of medical ethics, communication, critical care medicine and hospice and palliative medicine. He is particularly interested in how medical humanities can inform and broaden understanding of patient narrative and the experience of illness and suffering as a mechanism to improve empathy, humanism and compassionate care.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Music, Philosophy, Ethics, History, Sociology, Anthropology 

Aaron Levy

Aaron Levy

Senior Lecturer, English and History of Art, School of Arts and Sciences, and Special Advisor, Health and Humanities Initiatives, Penn Medicine

Dr. Levy is a Senior Lecturer in the Departments of English and the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania and the Director of Health Humanities Initiatives at Penn Medicine, where he directs the Penn Medicine Listening Lab and co-directs Rx/Museum. These projects and initiatives reflect his dedication to the medical humanities and the development of new approaches to listening and care.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Visual Art, Philosophy, Ethics, History, Sociology, Anthropology 

Adam Mohr

Adam Mohr

Senior Lecturer in Critical Writing and History and Sociology of Science

Dr. Mohr is a medical anthropologist and historian of West African and the African Diaspora studying the intersection of religion and healing.

Areas of Interest: Writing, History, Sociology, Anthropology

Brian Dunham

Brian Dunham

Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology

Dr. Dunham works on medical illustrations, surgical simulators (3D-printed), and designing medical devices. 

Areas of Interest: Visual Art

Vijay Srinivasan

Vijay Srinivasan

Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Dr. Srinivasan engages with art in medicine as a wellness and team building tool for professionals in the critical care setting. He also has keen interests in the intersection of ethics and law in healthcare.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Music, Visual Art, Ethics, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology 

Andrew Orr

Andrew Orr

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Section of Hospital Medicine

Dr. Orr runs a museum-based visual art workshop for internal medicine residents and is interested in use of the positive humanities to help medical professionals find joy, meaning, and purpose in work and life.

Areas of Interest: Visual Art

Herman Beavers

Herman Beavers

Professor of English and Africana Studies

Dr. Beavers's interest in the medical humanities springs from his interest in how jazz was received in the 1920s, when it was compared to a viral infection, a plague, and rot. The fear the music inspired in whites who listened to the music and heard noise, a chaos that would sweep young people up and lead the nation's ruin. In light of the fact that the world was barely 40 years down the road from Pasteur's germ theory, Dr. Beavers is interested in how cultural commentators resorted to the language of infectious disease to describe the dangers jazz threatened to visit upon the nation. In making the distinction between Western cultural production and the "Black Death" of jazz, whites were claiming the human and relegating Black and Brown people (and whites who loved the music) to a place outside of the human.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Music, Ethics, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology 

Jason Karlawish

Jason Karlawish

Professor of Medicine, Medical Ethics & Health Policy and Neurology

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Ethics, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology

Jules Lipoff

Jules Lipoff

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Dr. Lipoff is a Philly dermatologist formerly at Penn who aims to incorporate humanities into his work and his work into the humanities. He has published and worked on op-eds, columns, creative writing, social media, films, podcasts, and is happy to support students interested in these areas.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Ethics/Philosophy, History, Podcasting, Medical Consultation for TV/Film

Nitin Ahuja

Nitin Ahuja

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Dr. Ahuja writes essays about medicine aimed at literary and lay press publications.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, History

Jason Han

Jason Han

Cardiothoracic Surgery Resident, Cardiac Surgery

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Ethics, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology

Anna Wexler

Anna Wexler

Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Ethics, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology

Wynne Morrison

Wynne Morrison

Professor, Anesthesiology & Critical Care, CHOP

Dr. Morrison is a physician-poet practicing pediatric critical care and palliative care at CHOP.

Areas of Interest: Narrative Medicine, Writing, Ethics, Philosophy

Jason Schnittker

Jason Schnittker

Professor of Sociology

Dr. Schnittker is interested in the social, cultural, and biological determinants of health, with a particular interest in mental health.

Areas of Interest: History, Sociology, Anthropology