How to Complete CITI Training

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Create an Account." 
    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Pointing to the Register for an Account Button
  3. Choose "University of Pennsylvania" as your affiliation, agree to the terms of service, and click "Continue to Step 2."
    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Select University of Pennsylvania

    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Agree to Terms of Service

    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Continue to Step 2

  4. Fill out your personal information on the next screen and click "Continue to Step 3."
  5. Create a username and password and click "Continue to Step 4."

  6. Choose United States as your country and click "Continue to Step 5."

  7. Fill out this page as you see fit and click "Continue to Step 6."

  8. Fill out this page with the correct information. Under "Role in Human Subjects Research," choose "Student Researcher - Graduate Level." Under "Which course do you plan to take?" choose "Basic Human subjects - Biomedical Basic Human subjects - Biomedical Research."

    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Setting Role to Student Researcher

    Click "Continue to Step 7."

  9. Choose "Protection of Human Subjects" for your course.

    Screenshot of the Citi Program Website - Choose Protection of Human Subjects

    Click "Next."

  10. Choose whether you will be working at CHOP or not. For most, the answer will be no. Click "Next."

  11. Choose "Group 1: Biomedical Research."

  12. Answer the next question about the "Penn School of Medicines Patient Oriented Research Course" appropriately. For most, the answer will be no. Click "Next."

  13. Answer "No" to the question about the GCP Course. Click "Next."

  14. Choose "Finalize registration."

  15. Complete your assigned research and send an email to Annamarie Horan with your two training certificates (CITI Training and HIPAA) and preference list for subspecialties. You can use this format to make things easier.