Patient Education

Presented by the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Pennsylvania, the Penn Vasculitis Center hosts a series of meetings designed to provide our patient community with updates in research and treatments from experts in the field. These meetings also offer patients the opportunity to meet other members of the vasculitis community and learn from one another.

Patients (or family members/friends) with any type of vasculitis who want to learn more about advances in treatment and research in vasculitis can attend these meetings. 

Click below to view the presentations from past Penn Vasculitis Center Patient Education Meetings.


"What's New and Happening at the Penn Vasculitis Center"

Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH

"Essentials of Clinical Trials: A Patient's Guide"

Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH

"Research In Action: Sharing Results From Studies In the Penn Vasculitis Center"

Rennie Rhee, MD, MSCEShubhasree Banerjee, MD

"Neurologic Manifestations of Vasculitis"

Chafic Karam, MD

"Overview of Small-Vessel Vasculitis"

Shubhasree Banerjee, MD 

"Overview of Large-Vessel Vasculitis"

Rennie Rhee, MD, MSCE

"Question & Answer Session"

Moderator: Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH
Panelists: Naomi A. Amudala, CRNP, MSNShubhasree Banerjee, MDRennie Rhee, MD, MSCE

"Demystifying the Medication Access Process - Insurance Authorizations, Appeals and Copay Assistance"

Rachael Perritt, PharmD, BCPS

"Vasculitis and the Skin"

Robert Micheletti, MD

"Question and Answer Session"

Moderator: Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH
Panelists: Naomi A. Amudala, CRNP, MSNShubhasree Banerjee, MDRobert Micheletti, MDRennie Rhee, MD, MSCE

"Report by Penn Vasculitis Fellow"

Roger Yang, MD

"How Vasculitis Affects the Brain"

Shubhasree Banerjee, MD

"Eye Disease in Vasculitis"

Nirali Bhatt, MD

"Prednisone 101 - What Everybody Needs to Know" 

Rennie Rhee, MD, MSCE