University of Pennsylvania

Biomedical Graduate Studies
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility (SRR)

Requirements and Modalities for Training in Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility (SRR)

Breakdown by year

First year

  • Course:  BIOM 611 – Statistical Methods in Experimental Design and Analysis (Spring), or, should the student already have a substantial background in statistics, a more advanced course in statistics may be substituted. Coursework in statistics is mandatory for all BGS first-year students.

Validation: Student registration

Second year

  • Lecture: Resource Authentication and Transparency (Fall)
  • Candidacy exam: Satisfactory attention given to sections on scientific premise, experimental design, variables, and reagent validation.

Validation: Student sign-in (lecture); committee sign-off (candidacy exam)

Third through fifth years

  • SRR-focused lab meetings: Topic(s) to be chosen by Principal Investigator

Completion of requirement: No later than June 1

Validation: PI validation by through web-based mechanism


Breakdown by hours

Activity Time Expended
Year 1  
Course: Statistical Methods in Experimental Design and Analysis (BIOM 611), or a more advanced course depending on experience. 42*
Year 2  
Lecture: Resource Authentication and Transparency 1
Candidacy exam: Satisfactory attention given to sections on scientific premise, experimental design, variables, and reagent validation.
Year 3  
SRR-focused lab meeting 1.5
Year 4  
SRR-focused lab meeting 1.5
Year 5  
SRR-focused lab meeting 1.5
  47.5 hours**

*Entails 21 hours of lecture and 21 hours of lab. Students can anticipate devoting 4–6 hours per week for coursework outside of lab and lecture.

**A minimum of 26.5 hours are spent in 'face-to-face' settings (21 hours BIOM 611 lecture, 1 hour additional lecture, and 4.5 hours experimental design-focused lab meetings). The minimum and total value are likely higher given a student’s attendance at lab meetings and hence a likelihood of SRR-focused lab meetings in years 1 and 2 for rotation work.
