Research Programs


The Division provides infrastructure support for basic and clinical neuroimaging at Penn, continuing the tradition of multidisciplinary research in neuroimaging. Under the leadership of Dr. John A. Detre, Associate Professor of Neurology and Radiology, the CfN draws upon multidisciplinary expertise and resources to advance the general interests of the brain imaging community at the University of Pennsylvania through targeted methods development, symposia and colloquia, handling of regulatory issues, and fund-raising efforts.

The Division houses the Center for Functional Neuroimaging, which is formally a Type 1 center in the Department of Radiology, but currently receives intramural support from the Departments of Radiology, Psychiatry, and Neurology, the School of Medicine, the Office of the Provost, and extramural support from the NIH in the form of a P30 Center Core grant.

Centers and Programs


  • Detre Lab
    Our research focuses on brain physiology and the use of functional imaging methods including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical imaging to study brain function in both healthy subjects and in patients with a variety of clinical disorders including stroke, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disease, traumatic brain injury, and migraine.