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Leary M, Fried DA, Gaieski DF, Merchant RM, Fuchs BD, Kolansky DM, Edelson DP, Abella BS.
Neurologic prognostication and bispectral index monitoring after resuscitation from cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation. 2010 Sep;81(9):1133-7.

Sugerman NT, Edelson DP, Leary M, Weidman EK, Herzberg DL, Vanden Hoek TL, Becker LB, Abella BS.
Rescuer fatigue during actual in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation with audiovisual feedback: a prospective multicenter study.
Resuscitation. 2009 Sep;80(9):981-4

Dine CJ, Gersh RE, Leary M, Riegel BJ, Bellini LM, Abella BS.
Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality and resuscitation training by combining audiovisual feedback and debriefing.
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Edelson DP, Litzinger B, Arora V, Walsh D, Kim S, Lauderdale DS, Vanden Hoek TL, Becker LB, Abella BS.
Improving in-hospital cardiac arrest process and outcomes with performance debriefing.
Arch Intern Med. 2008 May 26;168(10):1063-9.

Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, Edelson DP, Barry A, O'Hearn N, Vanden Hoek TL, Becker LB.
Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest.
JAMA. 2005 Jan 19;293(3):305-10.

Edelson DP, Abella BS, Kramer-Johansen J, Wik L, Myklebust H, Barry AM, Merchant RM, Hoek TL, Steen PA, Becker LB.
Effects of compression depth and pre-shock pauses predict defibrillation failure during cardiac arrest.
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