News and Events


August 22

We welcome Ana Alonso to CANAc along with Jared Collina, Caroline Beech, and Felipe Parodi


September 9

Aaron Williams successfully defends his PhD thesis entitled Neuronal codes and circuits underlying audiovisual integration

June 10

We welcome our new cohort of CANAC trainees: Jared Collina, Caroline Beech, and Felipe Parodi

August 13

Ammon Perkes successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled The hidden forms and functions of courtship in the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater)


November 20

CANAC trainee Elelbin presented her poster "The role of synaptotagmin 7 (syt7) isoforms in establishing the acoustic startle threshold" at the Zebrafish neural circuits and behavior meeting in Cold Spring Harbor. 

October 19

  • CANAC trainee Ammon Perkes presented his poster "Computing courtship: Song circuit modulation of mating posture in a female songbird" at the SfN meeting in Chicago.
  • CANAC trainee Jared Zimmerman presented his poster "Inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation to the left inferior frontal gyrus modulates lexical selection in a context dependent manner” at the SfN meeting in Chicago and will be presenting similar at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting in March.

October 18

APAN had a strong UPenn and CANAC presence!

September 18

The first day of the data-analysis CANAC course!!

May 23

First NTG/Vision/CANAC Retreat featuring Dr. David Firtzpatrick.


August 23

Reminder: Auditory Splash--a one-day systems auditory neuroscience conference for the East Coast--is returning to U. Pennsylvania!! It will be on Saturday, September 8, 2018.

July 2

We are pleased to announce our first set of T32 trainees. Please welcome Elelbin Ortiz, Aamon Perkes, Aaron Williams,  and Jared Zimmerman!!!

April 29

Auditory Splash--a one-day systems auditory neuroscience conference for the East Coast--is returning to U. Pennsylvania!! It will be on Saturday, September 8, 2018.

April 27

We will be announcing our new application process in the near future!

April 1

APAN registration is open!