About Us


The Penn Scleroderma Center is among the leading clinical and research centers in the world that specializes in scleroderma. The Penn Scleroderma Center includes 4 highly-experienced scleroderma specialists within the Division of Rheumatology, and a full team of other specialists with highly specific clinical expertise in caring for patients with scleroderma, including pulmonologists (lung disease), dermatologists (skin disease), cardiologists (heart disease), gastroenterologists (esophagus, stomach, and intestinal disease), and more. We see patients in the Penn Scleroderma Center from all over the United States.

The Penn Scleroderma Center is at the forefront of cutting-edge clinical and translational research. Penn has led on many research projects in scleroderma and has participated in numerous major clinical trials in scleroderma. We continue to direct innovative studies to advance our knowledge of scleroderma, including through clinical trials, genetic studies, and laboratory-based research. The Penn Division of Rheumatology is also a leader in training the next generation of physicians expert in the evaluation and management of patients with scleroderma.

Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
South Pavilion, 1st Floor
3400 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104


Penn Medicine University City
8th Floor
3737 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104