Alexander Lin

faculty photo

Alexander Lin, M.D.

Morton M. Kligerman Professor
Department: Radiation Oncology

Contact information
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Radiation Oncology
3400 Civic Center Blvd
TRC 2 West
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-662-3198
Fax: 215-349-5445
B.A. (Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry)
Yale University, 1998.
M.D. (Medicine)
University of Michigan Medical School, 2002.
Other (Certificate in Financial Accounting)
Harvard Business School Online, 2019.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

Dr. Lin specializes in the multidisciplinary approach to treatment of cancers of the head and neck. He works collaboratively with members of the Departments of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Medical Oncology, Pathology, Diagnostic Radiology, Oral Medicine, and Nuclear Medicine with a focus on improving cancer control, outcomes, and quality of life for patients.

Description of Other Expertise

Dr. Lin is the Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pennsylvania. In this role, he leads departmental efforts in establishing a robust and active program for mentorship and professional development for faculty members of the Department of Radiation Oncology.

Description of Research Expertise

Alexander Lin, M.D., is the Morton M. Kligerman, MD Endowed Professor of Radiation Oncology. Dr. Lin leads research programs in personalized approaches in the multidisciplinary treatment of head and neck cancer. Dr. Lin leads studies in novel methods of toxicity mitigation in patients with Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers of the oropharynx. He also specializes in clinical trials investigating new radiosensitizing agents targeting the tumor microenvironment to improve disease outcomes, for which he receives funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Dr. Lin completed his undergraduate studies at Yale University and his medical training at the University of Michigan. He is a board-certified radiation oncologist and practicing physician at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine.

Selected Publications

Margalit DM, Anker CJ, Aristophanous M, Awan M, Bajaj GK , Bradfield L, Califano J, Caudell JJ, Chapman CH, Garden AS, Harari PM, Helms A, Lin A, Maghami E, Mehra R, Parker L, Shnayder Y, Spencer S, Swiecicki PL, Tsai JC, Sher DJ: Radiation Therapy for HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An ASTRO Clinical Practice Guideline Practical Radiation Oncology 2024 (article in press).

Kim K, Kim MM, Skoufos G, Diffenderfer ES, Motlagh SAO, Kokkorakis M, Koliaki I, Morcos G, Shoniyozov K, Griffin J, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Metz JM, Lin A, Feigenberg SJ, Cengel KA, Ky B, Koumenis C, Verginadis II: FLASH proton radiotherapy mitigates inflammatory and fibrotic pathways and preserves cardiac function in a preclinical mouse model of radiation-induced heart disease. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 119(4): 1234-1247, July 2024.

Chowdhury P, Velalopoulou A, Verginadis II, Morcos G, Loo PE, Kim MM, Motlagh SAO, Shoniyozov K, Diffenderfer ES, Ocampo EA, Putt M, Assenmacher C-A, Radaelli E, Lu J, Qin L, Liu H, Leli NM, Girdhani S, Denef N, Vander Stappen F, Cengel KA, Busch TM, Metz JM, Dong L, Lin A, Koumenis C: Proton FLASH Radiotherapy Ameliorates Radiation-induced Salivary Gland Dysfunction and Oral Mucositis and Increases Survival in a Mouse Model of Head and Neck Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 23(6): 877-889, June 2024.

Lim J, Helgeson ES, Lalla RV, Sollecito TP, Treister NS, Schmidt BL, Patton LL, Lin A, Milas Z, Brennan MT: Factors associated with oral hygiene compliance in patients treated with radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. J Am Dent Assoc 155(4): 319-328, April 2024.

Sollecito TP, Helgeson ES, Lalla RV, Treister NS, Schmidt BL, Patton LL, Lin A, Brennan MT: Reduced mouth opening in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy: an analysis of the Clinical Registry of Dental Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients (OraRad). Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 137(3): 264-273, March 2024.

Dastgheyb SS, Dreyfuss AD, LaRiviere MJ, Mohiuddin JJ, Baumann BC, Shabason J, Lustig RA, Dorsey JF, Lin A, Grady SM, O'Malley BW, Lee JYK, Newman JG, Schuster JM, Alonso-Basanta M : A Prospective Phase I/II Clinical Trial of High-Dose Proton Therapy for Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas Advances in radiation oncology 9(5): 101456, February 2024.

Patel AM, Haleem A, Choudhry HS, Maxwell R, Lukens JN, Lin A, Brody RM, Brant JA, Carey RM: Choice of Adjuvant Radiotherapy Facility in Major Salivary Gland Cancer. Laryngoscope 00: 1-13, 2024.

Lu J, Cao A, Shimunov D, Sun L, Lukens J, Lin A, Cohen R, Basu D, Cannady S, Rajasekaran K, Weinstein G, Brody R: Functional Outcomes in Patients with HPV+ Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer Treated with Trimodality Therapy. The Laryngoscope 133: 3013–3020, November 2023.

Deng J, Lukens JN, Zhu J, Cohn JC, Andersen LP, Spinelli BA, Quinn RJ, Chittams J, McMenamin E, Lin A : Patient Experience of Photobiomodulation Therapy in Head and Neck Chronic Lymphedema. Journal of Palliative Medicine 26(9): 1225-1233, September 2023.

Trotter J, Lukens JN, Lin A: Advances in Proton Therapy for the Management of Head and Neck Tumors. Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America 32(3): 587-598, July 2023.

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Last updated: 07/11/2024
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania