April 23, 2013


Penn Tower 21, Ballam Room.


Drs. Bloch, Goldfine, Heyner, Kefalides, MacGregor, McCarthy, Meadows, Myers, Paterson, Steinberg, Webber (PASEF), Rachael Berget (FAPD), Victoria Mulhern (FAPD) Kayvon Nikoo (FAPD).


Drs. Salcido, Saunders and Winegrad.

Dr. Myers (in the temporary absence of Meadows) called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. March meeting minutes were approved.

President's Report

Goldfine declined to report on medical education, i.e., basic sciences being downplayed. He questioned whether putting a new building on top of Perelman is the best approach to educating medical students. There was some discussion over this topic and the consensus was that the trend to deemphasize basic sciences is well underway.


Mulhern reminded the group that the Medical Faculty Senate meeting is tomorrow, at which there will be clarification of the Clinical Educator (CE) track. The search for Vice Dean for Diversity is concluded and the outcome will be announced shortly. John Glick has started to put together an Academy of Master Clinicians; these individuals may be nominated by anyone in the health system; will have a financial benefit and will have a five-year term. Kayvon announced that the website has been updated; Meadows commented that we should update faculty deaths and put in memorials. MacGregor asked if we archive memorials, which we do.

Committee Reports

Nominations are needed for next year: President-Elect, Council. Discussion regarding new Council members (Marjeanne(Mimi) Collins, M.D. and Stanley Baum, M.D.). Council approved their selection and they will be put on the ballot to be sent out to the membership. Further discussion regarding the term of the President; MacGregor pointed out that in the past a one-year term has worked well as the commitment is really three years (Preselect, Pres and Past Pres). However, Steinberg read from the By-Laws that the current President shall be eligible to serve a second term, (as was the case with Kefalides), and Council enthusiastically endorsed a second term for Meadows. Myers asked about the experience of PASEF looking for a new President and it was clear that both bodies need to reach out and educate the membership.


End of year party is June 18; Council will meet at 2:30 pm and the party will run from 4:00 to 6:00 pm in Penn Tower. There was animated discussion regarding the caterer. Myers will probably go with Feast Your Eyes as some did not care for Fresh on 47th. Kefalides inquired who would decide on the caterer for combined PASEF/ASEF function.


Virginia Lee's talk was well attended. Next talk is on May 8; Vivian Chung will discuss individual genetic variation Bloch believed that the speakers this year spoke at a level appropriate to the University audiences, and Kayvon wondered if his message omitting 'neurodegenerative disease' had help boost the attendance. Paterson reminded the group of the Penn Humanities Forum that meets once a month in the Museum, and Kefalides described a number of topics they have covered. Webber commented that PASEF had difficulties dealing with the hotel/Penn Club since Austin's departure. There were poor records kept of bookings, and apparently some differences between senior administration and the Penn Club. Bloch will collaborate with the PASEF program committee and set a framework for dates for the monthly meetings next year.


MacGregor; no news to report.

PASEF/ASEF Retirement Program

April 29 in the Hourglass Room; reservations are necessary. Already have 46 people signed up. Panelists are Goldfine, Strumpf and Donaldson-Evans, with Meadows as moderator.

Other Business

Salcido is interested in making the trip to Wisconsin. Meadows will provide media for him. Steinberg suggested that when faculty reaches age 55 they should receive a letter welcoming them to ASEF/PASEF. Meadows suggested that Webber and Steinberg draft such a letter, while Mulhern commented that it would be helpful to 'change the message' since some individuals like to deny their aging! Paterson commented that the Research Faculty would like to receive Emeritus status, but have not succeeded in so doing. Senior Research Track Faculty are free to join ASEF; ASEF's bylaws specifically mention that "Associated Faculty" qualify for membership. Retired Research Track faculty may also join ASEF, but these faculty are not called "Emeritus".

The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Susan Heyner Secretary Treasurer