January 18, 2011


Drs. Edwards, Goldfine, Kefalides, MacGregor, Meadows, A. Myers, J. Myers, Saunders, Schleyer Rachael Berget (FAPD) Julian Pugh (FAPD)

The meeting was called to order at 12:03pm by Dr. Kefalides and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The steering committee also voted and approved that going forward, the minutes only need to be posted on the website and sent to the ASEF members by request only.

Introduction of the Communications Chair Dr. Kefalides introduced the new chair for the Communications Committee, Dr. Alan Myers. The executive council warmly welcomed Dr. Myers.

Committee on Naming Opportunity

Dr. Goldfine announced that he recently had a meeting schedule with Lisa Katz regarding the naming opportunity of the new Medical Education Center at Penn. This naming opportunity will be a gift to the University and will allow ASEF to be part of building a learning environment that continues to promote extraordinary medicine here at Penn. He expressed the desire of the executive committee to name something bigger than a small conference room for $50,000. Lisa suggested that the council start with a goal of raising $50,000 over the next 5 years as the nucleus. After that has been raised, then the next step will be to go to ASEF membership via mail to request donations. Dr. Kefalides, Dr. Meadows and Dr. Goldfine have agreed that they will confidentially approach current and past members of the executive council for contributions as well. They all agreed to donating $5,000 over the next 5 years. Once the nucleus and commitment from the council has been established, the plan will be to begin publicizing the campaign, which the development office will manage. Dr. Goldfine assured the committee that he will be in constant contact with them throughout the process and will be working with them closely. Dr. MacGregor mentioned that he didn’t have a good feeling that colleagues will jump on board for this campaign. Dr. Meadows mentioned that a lot of constituents are currently already making donations to Penn and thinks that senior and emeritus faculty will be more willing to direct their contributions towards this goal rather than general donations to the school. Dr. Edwards suggested that this should be marketed as an opportunity for retired faculty to contribute to a new building venture and that this could be something really for the emeritus faculty rather than specifically for ASEF. Dr. Meadows suggested that we phrase and market this campaign as something that the emeritus faculty is doing for the continuing benefit of students at Penn.

Committee on Usage of Library

Dr. Kefalides announced that he, along with Dr. Seltzer, met with the representatives at the library regarding workshops. Dr. Carton Rogers’ assistant has agreed to develop a survey to determine which programs would be of interest. Dr. Kefalides circulated the survey for the council members to review. The next step is scheduling a meeting with the people at Van Pelt Library on the best way to get everything out and announced to ASEF and PASEF. Rachael Berget asked if they were planning on offering workshops on "ichat" and "skype". Dr. Kefalides stated that neither of those workshops had been discussed, as they are still in the very early stages of developing the workshops.

Dr. Myers asked if spouses of faculty would be able to attend these workshops. Dr. Kefalides stated that he has not discussed this with the people at the library, but saw no reason that it would be an issue. Dr. Schleyer mentioned that there is actually already a group established that works with the spouses of faculty to help them become more tech savvy, and that the council should explore possibly working with that group in developing the workshops.

Committee Reports

Dr. MacGregor stated that there hasn’t been much more development so far with starting the advocacy group. This has been in large part due to his moving to a new home, however, he was waiting to get the final numbers of how many people have checked in and stated that the volunteers would be meeting soon.

Luncheon Seminars

Dr. Kefalides stated that he had received 5 commitments over the next few months for luncheon seminars. Dr. Monge was confirmed for 2/11/11 to continue her talk from the fall seminar. Dr. O’Malley has been confirmed for 3/7/11 to discuss robotic head and neck surgery. William Labov will present on 4/11/11 about sound change in Philadelphia. David Eisenhower has been confirmed for 4/27/11 and Dr. Saunders will be presenting on 5/5/11about hearing loss and aging.

Programs Committee

Dr. Meadows stated that the spring meeting will be in the 3rd week of March. Dr. Meadows has emailed Becca Levy, but has not heard back from her as of this meeting. She will get her telephone number from Dr. Kefalides and call to try to schedule her talk for the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th of March. Dr. Meadows will also be getting in touch with Marie Mattera, assistant to the dean, in order to invite Dr. Jameson as the featured guest at the Fall Emeritus Event. Dr. Meadows stated that the event will take place around the same time as previous years, the end of October. Dr. MacGregor suggested that when contacting the dean’s office, to phrase the invitation along the lines of "we, the senior faculty would like to invite…"


Dr. A. Myers stated that he had made an HTML site of what changes and development he had in mind for the new ASEF website. He stated that he used to handle the website for PASEF, however, now Kayvon Nikoo is handling those duties. Dr. A. Myers circulated a print out of the proposed website, which was received positively by the council. Dr. A. Myers suggested that everyone on the committee bookmark the ASEF website for easy access and asked that if anyone had any materials to be posted, to feel free to send it directly to him. Dr. Kefalides stated that Dr. A. Myers was willing to tape the luncheon seminars if requested. Dr. J. Myers asked if there was a way to find out how many hits the current website receives. Dr. A. Myers stated that there was and that as many as 500 hits had occurred on the website. Dr. A. Myers stated that he had updated the “In Memoriam” page while Dr. Schleyer was currently still collecting obituaries. Dr. A. Myers also mentioned that he would like to obtain missing emails for the ASEF mailing list, which will be provided by Rachael Berget. Dr. Myers also assured the council that Julian Pugh will be his back-up for website edits, should he not be able to do so himself.

Retirement Community & Headquarters

Dr. Saunders gave a brief report on the ASEF Headquarters. He stated that there had been 20 visits and 45 hours of time spent by 25 individuals in the past month. He suggested that on the next meeting's agenda, the council should discuss ways of utilizing the space more. Dr. Saunders stated that in mid-December, he and Dr. Strumpf met with Paul Schnyder to present the vision statement for the proposed retirement community. The response was very positive. A meeting with Craig Carnaroli was in the works and Dr. Saunders stated that he would like to include/invite older alumnus to attend these meetings in person. Dr. Saunders asked for a vote of approval on principle regarding the vision statement so that he could continue moving forward with this process. The council unanimously approved the vision statement. Dr. Saunders stated that once Dr. Strumpf has reviewed and made some changes to the statement, he will distribute it amongst the council and contact the Almanac to begin publicizing the development of the retirement community.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:14pm. Respectfully submitted by, Julian Pugh