June 18, 2013


Penn Tower Bridge Conference Room


Drs. Bloch, Broennle, Deren, Goldfine, Heyner, Kefalides, MacGregor, Meadows, Myers, Paterson, Steinberg, Winegrad, Rachael Berget (FAPD), Kayvon Nikoo (FAPD) and Ross Webber (PASEF)


Drs. McCarthy, Saunders, Salcido, Stanley and Victoria Mulhern (FAPD)

The meeting was called to order by Meadows at 2:40. The motion to accept the minutes was passed unanimously.

Annual Report (September 2012-June 2013)

This topic was preceded by discussion regarding space utilization. Saunders met with Dorothy Leung, who deals with space allocation in the PSOM. Since Penn Tower is to be demolished in 2014, ASEF needs to have new space allocated. Dorothy indicated that we would no longer have two adjoining rooms. Meadows iterated the need to speak to the Dean about space and indicated that combined ASEF/PASEF space would be desirable. Steinberg was concerned that if we combine with PASEF we would no longer be dealing with a single Dean and doubted that the PSOM Dean would be willing to go to the University for space. Goldfine pointed out that the Dean will only provide space for medical personnel, Winegrad added that the Dean will question our raison d’etre before handing out space. Meadows pointed out that ASEF should be active in the upcoming 250th anniversary. Kayvon pointed out that Saunders and Strumpf had assembled a lot of data when they worked on the proposed Penn retirement community and that these data could be helpful in stating our needs/function to the Dean.

The draft Annual Report was discussed. Meadows requested changes or comments to be sent to her. There was discussion over the term ‘modest’ for the budget, and the need for more money to hire professionals to assist us in expanding our program was emphasized. Kefalides remarked that ASEF had collected $25,000 toward the naming of space in the Medical School, and this money is lying in limbo.

The new medical curriculum was discussed briefly; nothing will change until the new building addition is completed. Paterson said Microbiology is not concerned; while Goldfine commented that at Columbia, medical students never see major faculty

Meadows and colleagues will meet with the Dean on Wednesday 26th June; discussion as to how many people should accompany her; the general feeling was that there should not be more than two or three to accompany Meadows. Steinberg concluded the discussion with the comment that the report was substantive and well written.


Rachael reported that the new Vice Provost for Research is Dawn Bonnell from SEAS.


MacGregor will meet with Anita Allen the new Vice Provost and hopes to have her at the October combined ASEF/PASEF Emeriti reception at Sweeten if the Provost cannot make it. The program chairs would like to be able to project onto a screen; this will be explored. Peter Capelli will speak at the 25 year club reception about the difficulties that new young graduates are facing in the job market. Myers said the caterer will be Chef’s Table; programs will be printed and Meadows and Webber will present the individuals.

Luncheon Seminars

Bloch reported that he has a few names for next academic year. The seminars will be in the Hourglass Room, will rotate between Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday and they will try for the second week of the month.


MacGregor reported that Patient Relations is happy to have ASEF accompany them on rounds.


Myers stressed the need to increase awareness of ASEF. Kayvon is willing to do the technical work associated with the website, but he needs new ideas about what goes on it. Members should send their ideas to Kayvon. MacGregor will take photographs for the end of year party

Other Business

Rachael reported the elections results: change in by-laws was approved and all candidates on the ballot were elected. She made the suggestion that ASEF could provide assistance to faculty who are preparing grant applications, or a manuscript. Meetings of Council are on the fourth Tuesday of each month, but in December this falls on Christmas Eve, therefore the holiday party will be on the 17th, with the preceding meeting at 2:30 pm. The first Council meeting in September is 24th in the Ballam Boardroom at 12 noon. Jim Saunders is recovering from knee/leg surgery and Meadows passed round a card wishing him a speedy recovery.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm. Respectfully submitted Susan Heyner, Ph.D. Secretary, Treasurer