March 3, 2008



James Saunders, Arthur Whereat, Heinz Schleyer, Howard Goldfine, Rob Roy MacGregor, Marvin Steinberg, Nicholas Kefalides Anna Meadows and Rachael Berget.

Jim reported that he will attend the AROHE meeting. The abstract of his talk was submitted. The $100.00 dues will be paid. He noted that the dues are greater for organizations that have budgets greater than $100,000 and inferred from that that some similar groups must have such large budgets. He also reported that he met with Grace Hershman on Feb 4, 2008 to discuss if and how ASEF might interact with her program. She expressed great enthusiasm for the possible participation of our members. She thought that her students would welcome meeting with senior faculty to discuss a variety of topics. It was envisioned that groups of 15 students would meet with one or two senior faculty on a monthly basis. In order to launch the enterprise, it was thought that it would be well to have 12 or more faculty members volunteer to be available. It was proposed that an Email be distributed to determine the degree of interest. It was suggested that it might be useful to have Grace meet with the Council to learn more and solicit ideas.

There was again a discussion of the disappointing attendance at the Lonsdorf lecture. Ideas were expressed about how to excite more interest. It was thought that the topic might not have been very exciting. Ideas were proposed to attract more attendance at the upcoming Mashner Talk and Social. Rachael distributed a notice that has been prepared to announce the Vicki/Hilary meeting.

Rachael was asked about Meghan's replacement and she replied that the job description had been altered.

Nominating Committee

Rob said that more names are needed. There was a consensus that more members would be advisable. Perhaps co-chairs could be named and become members of the Council. Downes and Larossa were mentioned as possible new members.

Data Committee

There is a need for more and current information. The "contact person" in each department needs to communicate names of new emeriti and data relevant to these names.

Education Committee

Heinz said that there is a need to streamline the announcements and to get them out sooner. He is working on getting a more complete listing of events on the website. Jim said that he would get a President's Letter out before the end of March.

The next meeting will be April 14, 2008. Arthur F. Whereat