BCR/TCR Sequencing Repertoire Profiling
- Quick Links
- Services and Pricing
- Request A Consultation / Initiate A Project
- Submit and Deliver Samples
- Sequencing and Data Analysis Methods
- Sample Preparation Guidelines
- Publications
Quick Links
Email Dr. Wenzhao Meng (wmeng@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) with online or on-the-ground sample submission, sample delivery, or sample retrieval questions.
Existing projects please click here to submit samples online (iLab login required to submit samples for your project).
Services and Pricing
- Human BCR/TCR and murine (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) BCR sequencing (we do not offer mouse TCR sequencing). We also provide customized BCR/TCR sequencing to interrogate specific immune responses (such as the NP response in mice or the flu response in mice or humans).
- For human BCR sequencing, we provide primers that can amplify near full-length (FW1), full-length (leader region), or short-length (FW3) regions of the heavy chain. We also have an in-house sequencing method for kappa and lambda light chains.
- Retrieval of high-quality full-length sequences of heavy and light chain pairs of dominant clones for downstream cloning projects.
- Basic data analysis, including an IMGT-style clonal output table, D20 (D50) indices, clonality/diversity, CDR3 spectratypes, clonal overlap analysis, V/J gene usage, CDR3 amino acid usage, somatic hypermutation (SHM) analysis (BCR only), etc. - ask us for guidance on the analyses that will make your desired point(s) or answer your specific question(s).
- Project-specific analyses, including lineage tree analysis (BCR only), public clone analysis, clone distance mapping analysis, etc.
- Assistance with data visualization, manuscript preparation, and data deposition to public data repositories, and AIRR-compliant data submissions for an additional fee.
We use ImmuneDB for our in-house data analysis pipeline. Ongoing contributions to ImmuneDB include 358 databases, >34,000 sequencing libraries and over 4.2 billion antigen receptor reads.
Prices for BCR and TCR sequencing and related services are shown on the downloadable pdf of prices (PennKey login required). Request a consultation if you would like a price quote.
Request A Consultation / Initiate A Project
STEP 1: Request a consultation and/or quotation by contacting Wenzhao Meng, PhD. A PennKey is not required to schedule a consulation.
Prior to your consultation, it may be helpful to download our sequencing and data analysis methods and sample preparation and submission guidelines, and browse some of our recent publications listed below. Please be prepared for your consultation with
- desired service(s) - Dr. Meng can assist with selection
- the overall goal/question and projected timeline of your experiment
- sample type(s) and approximate number
Bring any questions or thoughts you may have on experimental design, sample preparation or sequencing methods, data analysis methods or interpretation, etc.
STEP 2: Once you determine to do a project with the HIC, Dr. Meng will let you know next steps for project and billing setup based on the nature of your project and Principal Investigator affiliation.
Submit and Deliver Samples
STEP 1: Submit an online request. Click here, log in, select your project and enter your specimens/samples.
Review our sequencing sample prep and submission guidelines. Email Wenzhao Meng, PhD to schedule sequencing work and submit your sequencing sample worksheet.
STEP 2: Drop off samples at Stellar-Chance Labs (SCL) room 408, or ship them to this address. Samples received outside of our posted cut-off times require approval at least 24 hours in advance of receipt and additional charges will apply.
Contact Wenzhao Meng with any questions. The shipping address is Attn: Wenzhao Meng, University of Pennsylvania, Stellar Chance Labs Rm. 408, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Telephone: +1 215-573-5367. Email: wmeng@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Sequencing and Data Analysis Methods
Download a copy of these sequencing and data analysis methods.
- Bulk DNA TCR/BCR sequencing
- Bulk RNA TCR/BCR sequencing
- Single-cell TCR/BCR sequencing
- Data analysis including DIY (Do It Yourself) suggestions
We provide human TCR/BCR and mouse (C57BL/6 and BALB/c strains) BCR sequencing (we DO NOT offer mouse TCR sequencing). We also provide customized TCR/BCR sequencing to look at specific immune response (such as the NP response in mice).
For human BCR sequencing methods, please see our publications below. We provide primers that can amplify near full length (FW1), full length (leader region), or short length (FW3) regions of the heavy chain. We also have an in-house sequencing method for kappa and lambda light chains.
Meng et al., Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Sep;35(9):879-884. PMID: 28829438 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28829438/)
Rosenfeld et al., Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2453:317-343. PMID: 35622334 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35622334/)
For human TCR sequencing methods, please see our publication:
Ritz et al., Blood Adv. 2020 Apr 14;4(7):1378-1382. PMID: 32267929 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32267929/)
For mouse BCR sequencing methods, please see our publication:
Johnson et al., Immunity. 2020 May 19;52(5):842-855.e6. PMID: 32353250 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32353250/)
- RNA will be extracted using the Qiagen RNeasy mini or micro kit
- Human TCR sequencing: SMARTer Human TCR α/β Profiling Kit from Takara Bio
- Human BCR sequencing: SMARTer Human BCR IgG IgM H/κ/λ Profiling Kit from Takara Bio
- Mouse TCR sequencing: SMARTer Mouse TCR α/β Profiling Kit from Takara Bio
- Mouse BCR sequencing: SMARTer Mouse BCR IgG H/κ/λ Profiling Kit from Takara Bio
If your experiment requires other kit types or experimental methods (e.g. UMIs), please contact us.
Single-cell BCR/TCR sequencing
For single cell sequencing, we accept isolated and/or sorted viable cells on the same day of the experiment (cut-off times for sample submission/delivery apply). Please set up a meeting to schedule the experiment with us in advance. We offer
- Human/Mouse single cell immune profiling (VDJ (BCR or TCR) and 5’ GEX) by 10X Genomics
- CITE-seq for single cell immune profiling with TotalSeq™–C antibodies from Biolegend, compatible with the 10X Genomics 5’ library construction kit
- Hashtags for single cell immune profiling with TotalSeq™–C hashtags from Biolegend, compatible with the 10X Genomics 5’ library construction kit
We offer basic data analysis, including an IMGT-style clonal output table, D20 (D50) indices, clonality/diversity, CDR3 spectratypes, clonal overlap analysis, V/J gene usage, CDR3 amino acid usage, somatic hypermutation (SHM) analysis (BCR only), etc. - ask us for guidance on the analysis that will make your point(s). We also offer
- Retrieval of high quality full-length sequences of heavy and light chain pairs of dominant clones for downstream cloning projects.
- Project-specific analyses, including lineage tree analysis (BCR only), public clone analysis, clone distance mapping analysis, etc.
- Assistance with data visualization, manuscript preparation and data deposition to public data repositories, and AIRR-compliant data submissions for an additional fee.
We use ImmuneDB for our in-house data analysis pipeline. Ongoing contributions to ImmuneDB include 358 databases, >34,000 sequencing libraries and over 4.2 billion antigen receptor reads.
For single cell data analysis, we offer pre-processing of the raw data right off the sequencer with Cell Ranger from 10X Genomics. We also offer further quality control and data analysis with Seurat.
What we recommend if you would like to DIY (Do It Yourself)
- For a single sequence alignment, we recommend IgBLAST
- For batch sequence alignment, we recommend IMGT High V quest
- For the nomenclature for IG and TR genes from human, mouse and other species, we recommend IMGT/GENE-DB and OGRDB
- For NGS data QC and pair-end reads processing, we recommend pRESTO (Python)
- For clone collapsing and data analysis of bulk TCR/BCR sequencing, we recommend
- ImmuneDB (Python) - (software can be installed via GitHub)
- MiXCR (Java) and VDJtools (Java and R)
- Immunarch (R)
- For public clone and epitope analysis we recommend VDJmatch, VDJdb, IEDB, and IMGT
- For single-cell data analysis, we recommend Cell Ranger (10X Genomics), Seurat (R), scRepertoire (R), Scanpy (Python)
Sample Preparation Guidelines
Download Sample Preparation and Submission Guidelines for BCR and TCR Sequencing
Sorting instructions
We use the Gentra® Puregene® Handbook kit to do DNA extraction for BCR and TCR sequencing.
For fewer than 50,000 cells, please sort cells directly into a 1.5 ml RNase/DNase free Eppendorf tube with 300 ul of cell lysis buffer (QIAGEN cat. no. 158113 for a 125 ml bottle, or 158116 for 1000 ml). Vortex well (4-5 seconds) immediately following sort. You can pick up cell lysis buffer from us.
For very rare populations of fewer than 5,000 cells, please use Eppendorf™ DNA LoBind Microcentrifuge Tubes (EMSCO/FISHER 13-698-791 or Eppendorf™ 022431021) for sorting. You can also pick up DNA LoBind tubes from us if you do not have any. For samples with fewer than 1,000 cells, due to the increased likelihood of PCR jackpots, we cannot guarantee adequate library quality.
For more than 50,000 cells, if only 1-2 fold more cells, please switch to a new tube with 300 ul lysis buffer and continue the sort. For example, if you estimate 90,000 cells, please sort 50,000 into one tube of 300 uL lysis buffer, and the remaining 40,000 into a second tube of 300 uL lysis buffer. Vortex each tube well immediately following sort.
If you estimate your cell population is a lot more than 50,000 cells, please sort them into regular FACS buffer (1X DPBS without Ca++ & Mg++ with either FBS (1%) or BSA (0.5%) without any sodium azide (NaN3) or EDTA) in flow tubes instead of sorting into lysis buffer. Then spin down flow tubes at 1300 rpm for 5 minutes to pellet the cells. Aspirate the supernatant, leave around 50 ul FACS buffer, vortex the flow tube vigorously, then transfer the cells (remove cell clump if any) into a RNase/DNase free 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube and add lysis buffer (less than 2 million, 300 ul lysis buffer; 2-7 million 600 ul lysis buffer, 7-10 million, 1ml lysis buffer).
You can leave sorted samples in lysis buffer at room temperature for up to a month. Otherwise, please store samples in lysis buffer at -20C to prevent evaporation.
We will do DNA extraction on our end, and this is included in the sequencing cost. For external customers, please ship samples to us in dry ice to prevent leakage. Our shipping address:
Attn: Dr. Wenzhao Meng
408 Stellar Chance Labs
422 Curie Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: +1 215-746-5769
Email: wmeng@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Any leftover DNA samples will be stored for six months then discarded if you do not retrieve them. Please contact Wenzhao Meng with sample preparation or submission questions, to arrange pickup of tubes or lysis buffer, etc. at SCL (Stellar Chance Labs) room 408. Regular HIC hours are Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for University-defined holidays.
FFPE tissue block cutting instructions
Since PCR is very sensitive, picking up possible contamination between cutting of different blocks, please follow these instructions for all downstream RNA or DNA sequencing analyses.
Blades - Please change blades every time for a different tissue block. If you want to save blades (since a blade is likely 2.5 inches long), use one side for one block and the other side for a different block. Then change blades when both sides are used. (Blades can be used to cut other tissue blocks for other projects which will not involve downstream sequencing work).
Tweezers - Always use new tweezers for a new block when putting FFPE curls into tubes. Even if you think tweezers only touch the wax portion, they may still get contaminated with tissue that cannot be seen by eye.
Eppendorf tubes - Always use RNase/DNase free Eppendorf tubes. It is better to UV-treat them first for half an hour if they are not stored properly.
Please discard the first two slices of FFPE tissue curls, since they may have become contaminated during storage.
Please provide at least 5 curls (5-10 micron per tissue curl) per block.
Publications with collaborators using our in-house sequencing platform (2017-present)
Fu J, Hsiao T, Waffarn E, Meng W, Long KD, Frangaj K, Jones R, Gorur A, Shtewe A, Li M, Muntnich CB, Rogers K, Jiao W, Velasco M, Matsumoto R, Kubota M, Wells S, Danzl N, Ravella S, Iuga A, Vasilescu ER, Griesemer A, Weiner J, Farber DL, Luning Prak ET, Martinez M, Kato T, Hershberg U, Sykes M. Dynamic establishment and maintenance of the human intestinal B cell population and repertoire following transplantation. medRxiv. 2023 Nov 16:2023.11.15.23298517. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.15.23298517. Preprint. PMID: 38014202
Matsumoto R, Gray J, Rybkina K, Oppenheimer H, Levy L, Friedman LM, Khamaisi M, Meng W, Rosenfeld AM, Guyer RS, Bradley MC, Chen D, Atkinson MA, Brusko TM, Brusko M, Connors TJ, Luning Prak ET, Hershberg U, Sims PA, Hertz T, Farber DL. Induction of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue is an early life adaptation for promoting human B cell immunity. Nat Immunol. 2023 Aug;24(8):1370-1381. doi: 10.1038/s41590-023-01557-3. Epub 2023 Jul 17. PMID: 37460638
Rybkina, K., Bell, J.N., Bradley, M.C., Wohlbold, T., Scafuro, M., Meng, W., Korenberg, R.C., Davis-Porada, J., Anderson, B.R., Weller, R.J., Milner, J.D., Moscona, A., Porotto, M., Luning Prak, E.T., Pethe, K., Connors, T.J., Farber, D.L. SARS-CoV-2 infection and recovery in children: Distinct T cell responses in MIS-C compared to COVID-19. J Exp Med. 2023 Aug 7;220(8):e20221518. doi: 10.1084/jem.20221518. Epub 2023 May 3. PMID: 37133746.
Poon, M.M.L., Caron, D.P., Wang, Z., Wells, S.B., Chen, D., Meng, W., Szabo, P.A., Lam, N., Kubota, M., Matsumoto, R., Rahman, A., Luning Prak, E.T., Shen, Y., Sims, P.A., Farber, D.L. Tissue adaptation and clonal segregation of human memory T cells in barrier sites. Nat Immunol. 2023 Feb;24(2):309-319. doi: 10.1038/s41590-022-01395-9. Epub 2023 Jan 19. PMID: 36658238.
Skarke, C., Lordan, R., Barekat, K., Naik, A., Mathew, D., Ohtani, T., Greenplate, A.R., Grant, G.R., Lahens, N.F., Gouma, S., Troisi, E., Sengupta, A., Weljie, A.M., Meng, W., Luning Prak, E.T., Lundgreen, K., Bates, P., Meng, H., FitzGerald, G.A. Modulation of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination by NSAIDs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2023 Apr 27:JPET-AR-2022-001415. doi: 10.1124/jpet.122.001415. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37105582.
Pero, S.C., Rosenfeld, A.M., Shukla, G.S., Mei, L., Sun, Y., Meng, W., Fournier, D.J., Harlow, S.P., Robinson, M.K., Krag, D.N., Luning Prak, E.T. and Harman, B.C. Diversification and shared features of tumor-binding antibody repertoires in tumor, sentinel lymph node and blood of three patients with breast cancer. Clin Transl Immunol. 2022 11: e1409. doi:10.1002/cti2.1409.
Alameh, M.G., Tombácz, I., Bettini, E., Lederer, K., Sittplangkoon, C., Wilmore, J.R., Gaudette, B.T., Soliman, O.Y., Pine, M., Hicks, P., Manzoni, T.B., Knox, J.J., Johnson, J.L., Laczkó, D., Muramatsu, H., Davis, B., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Strohmeier, S., Lin, P.J.C., Mui, B.L., Tam, Y.K., Karikó, K., Jacquet, A., Krammer, F., Bates, P., Cancro, M.P., Weissman, D., Luning Prak, E.T., Allman, D., Locci, M. and N. Pardi. Lipid nanoparticles enhance the efficacy of mRNA and protein subunit vaccines by inducing robust T follicular helper cell and humoral responses. Immunity. 2022 Jun 14;55(6):1136-1138. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.007. PMID: 35704995.
Rosenfeld AM, Meng W, Horne KI, Chen EC, Bagnara D, Stervbo U, Luning Prak ET; AIRR Community. Bulk gDNA Sequencing of Antibody Heavy-Chain Gene Rearrangements for Detection and Analysis of B-Cell Clone Distribution: A Method by the AIRR Community. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2453:317-343. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2115-8_18. PMID: 35622334.
Marquez S, Babrak L, Greiff V, Hoehn KB, Lees WD, Luning Prak ET, Miho E, Rosenfeld AM, Schramm CA, Stervbo U; AIRR Community. Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) Community Guide to Repertoire Analysis. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2453:297-316. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2115-8_17. PMID: 35622333
Eugster A, Bostick ML, Gupta N, Mariotti-Ferrandiz E, Kraus G, Meng W, Soto C, Trück J, Stervbo U, Luning Prak ET; AIRR Community. AIRR Community Guide to Planning and Performing AIRR-Seq Experiments. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2453:261-278. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2115-8_15. PMID: 35622331.
Parvathaneni K, Torres-Rodriguez K, Meng W, Hwang WT, Frey N, Naji A, Bhoj VG. SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific T-Cell Responses in Patients wtih B-Cell Depletion Who Received Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Treatments. JAMA Oncology. Nov 18, 2021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34792539.
Wing, A., Xu, J., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Li, E.Y., Wertheim, G., Paessler, M., Bagg, A., Frank, D., Tan, K., Teachey, D.T., Lim, M.S., Luning Prak, E.T., Fajgenbaum, D.C. and V. Pillai. Transcriptome and unique cytokine microenvironment of Castleman disease. Mod Pathol. 2022 Apr;35(4):451-461. doi: 10.1038/s41379-021-00950-3. Epub 2021 Oct 22. PMID: 34686774.
Goel, R.R., Painter, M.M., Apostolidis, S.A., Mathew, D., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Lundgreen, K.A., Reynaldi, A., Khoury, D.S., Pattekar, A., Gouma, S., Kuri-Cervantes, L., Hicks, P., Dysinger, S., Hicks, A., Sharma, H., Herring, S., Korte, S., Baxter, A.E., Oldridge, D.A., Giles, J.R., Weirick, M.E., McAllister, C.M., Awofolaju, M., Tanenbaum, N., Drapeau, E.M., Dougherty, J., Long, S., D’Andrea, K., Hamilton, J.T., McLaughlin, M.M., Williams, J.C., Adamski, S., Kuthuru, O., The Upenn COVID Processing Unit, Frank, I., Betts, M.R., Vella, L.A., Grifoni, A., Weiskopf, D., Sette, A., Hensley, S.E., Davenport, M.P., Bates, P., Luning Prak, E.T., Greenplate, A.R. and E.J. Wherry. mRNA vaccines induce durable immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern. Science. 2021 Dec 3;374(6572):abm0829. doi: 10.1126/science.abm0829. Epub 2021 Dec 3. PMID: 34648302.
Reinhardt, B., Habib, O., Shaw, K.L., Garabedian, E., Carbonaro-Sarracino, D.A., Terrazas, D., Fernandez, B.C., de Oliveira, S., Moore, T.B., Ikeda, A.K., Engel, B.C., Podsakoff, G.M., Hollis, R.P., Fernandes, A., Jackson, C., Shupien, S., Mishra, S., Davila, A., Mottahedeh, J., Vitomirov, A., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Roche, A.M., Hokama, P., Reddy, S., Everett, J., Wang, X., Luning Prak, E.T., Cornetta, K., Hershfield, M.S., Sokolic, R., De Ravin, S.S., Malech, H.L., Bushman, F.D., Candotti, F. and D.B. Kohn. Long-term outcomes after gene therapy for adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency. Blood. Oct 14;138(15):1304-1316, 2021. PMID: 33974038.
Ricker, E., Manni, M., Flores-Castro, D., Jenkins, D., Gupta, S., Rivera-Correa, J., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Pannellini, T., Bachu, M., Chinenov, Y., Sculco, P.K., Jessberger, R., Luning Prak, E.T. and A.B. Pernis. Altered function and differentiation of age-associated B cells contribute to the female bias in lupus mice. Nature Communications. Aug 10;12(1):4813, 2021. PMID: 34376664.
Miron, M., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Dvorkin, S., Poon, M.M.L., Lam, N., Kumar, B.V., Louzoun, Y., Luning Prak, E.T. and D.L. Farber. Maintenance of the human memory T cell repertoire by subset and tissue site. Genome Medicine. Jun 14;13(1):100, 2021. PMID: 34127056.
Nelson, N.D., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Bullman, S., Sekhar Pedamallu, C., Nomburg, J.L., Wertheim, G.B., Paessler, M.E., Pinkus, G., Hornick, J.L., Meyerson, M., Luning Prak, E.T. and V. Pillai. Characterization of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells, Microbial Sequences, and Identification of a Candidate Public T-Cell Clone in Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, May-Jun;24(3):193-205, 2021. PMID: 33530869.
de Mattos Barbosa, M.G., Liu, H., Huynh, D., Shelley, G., Keller, E.T., Emmer, B.T., Sherman, E., Ginsburg, D., Kennedy, A.A., Tai, A.W., Wobus, C., Mirabeli, C., Lanigan, T.M., Samaniego, M., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Luning Prak, E.T., Platt, J.L. and M. Cascalho. IgV somatic mutation of human anti–SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies governs neutralization and breadth of reactivity. JCI Insight. May 10;6(9), 2021. PMID: 33769311.
Goel, R.R., Apostolidis, S.A., Painter, M.M., Mathew, D., Pattekar, A., Kuthuru, O., Gouma, S., Hicks, P., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Dysinger, S., Lundgreen, K.A., Kuri-Cervantes, L., Adamski, S., Hicks, A., Korte, S., Oldridge, D.A., Baxter, A.E., Giles, J.R., Weirick, M.E., McAllister, C.M., Dougherty, J., Long, S., D'Andrea, K., Hamilton, J.T., Betts, M.R., Luning Prak, E.T., Bates, P., Hensley, S.E., Greenplate, A.R. and E.J. Wherry. Distinct antibody and memory B cell responses in SARS-CoV-2 naïve and recovered individuals after mRNA vaccination. Science Immunology. Apr 15;6(58), 2021. PMID: 33858945.
Fu, J., Zuber, J., Shonts, B., Obradovic, A., Wang, Z., Frangaj, K., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Waffarn, E.E., Liou, P., Lau, S.P., Savage, T.M., Yang, S., Rogers, K., Danzl, N.M., Ravella, S., Satwani, P., Iuga, A., Ho, S.H., Griesemer, A., Shen, Y., Luning Prak, E.T., Martinez, M., Kato, T. and M. Sykes. Lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses promote mixed chimerism in patients receiving intestinal transplantation. Journal of Clinical Investigation. Apr 15;131(8), 2021. PMID: 33630757.
Japp, A.S., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Perry, D.J., Thirawatananond, P., Bacher, R.L., Liu, C., Gardner, J.S., Atkinson, M.A., Kaestner, K.H., Brusko, T.M., Naji, A., Luning Prak, E.T. and M.R. Betts. TCR+/BCR+ dual-expressing cells and their associated public BCR clonotype are not enriched in type 1 diabetes. Cell. Feb 4;184(3):827–839, 2021. PMID: 33545036.
Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M. and E.T. Luning Prak. Mining the Antibody Repertoire for Solutions to SARS-CoV-2. Cell Host & Microbe. Oct 7;28(4):499-501, 2020. PMID: 33031765.
Kuri-Cervantes, L., Pampena, M.B., Meng, W., Rosenfeld, A.M., Ittner, C.A.G., Weisman, A.R., Agyekum, R.S., Mathew, D., Baxter, A.E., Vella, L.A., Kuthuru, O., Apostolidis, S.A., Bershaw, L., Dougherty, J., Greenplate, A.R., Pattekar, A., Kim, J., Han, N., Gouma, S., Weirick, M.E., Arevalo, C.P., Bolton, M.J., Goodwin, E.C., Anderson, E.M., Hensley, S.E., Jones, T.K., Mangalmurti, N.S., Luning Prak, E.T., Wherry, E.J., Meyer, N.J. and M.R. Betts. Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19. Science Immunology. Jul 15;5(49), 2020. PMID: 32669287.
Johnson, J.L., Rosenthal, R.L., Knox, J.J., Myles, A., Naradikian, M.S., Madej, J., Kostiv, M., Rosenfeld, A.M., Meng, W., Christensen, S.R., Hensley, S.E., Yewdell, J., Canaday, D.H., Zhu, J., McDermott, A.B., Dori, Y., Itkin, M., Wherry, E.J., Pardi, N., Weissman, D., Naji, A., Luning Prak, E.T., Betts, M.R. and M.P. Cancro. The Transcription Factor T-bet Resolves Memory B Cell Subsets with Distinct Tissue Distributions and Antibody Specificities in Mice and Humans. Immunity. May 19;52(5):842–855, 2020. PMID: 32353250.
Ritz, C., Meng, W., Stanley, N.L., Baroja, M.L., Xu, C., Yan, P., Huang, A.C., Hausler, R., Nicholas, P., Fan, J.M., Lieberman, D., Carreno, B.M., Luning Prak, E.T., Olson, T.S. and D.V. Babushok. Postvaccination graft dysfunction/aplastic anemia relapse with massive clonal expansion of autologous CD8+ lymphocytes. Blood Advances. Apr 14;4(7):1378-1382, 2020. PMID: 32267929.
Pillai, V., Muralidharan, K., Meng, W., Bagashev, A., Oldridge, D.A., Rosenthal, J., van Arnam, J., Melenhorst, J.J., Mohan, D., DiNofia, A.M., Luo, M., Cherian, S., Fromm, J.R., Wertheim, G., Thomas-Tikhonenko, A., Paessler, M., June, C.H., Luning Prak, E.T., Bhoj, V.G., Grupp, S.A., Maude, S.L. and S.R. Rheingold. CAR T-cell therapy is effective for CD19-dim B-lymphoblastic leukemia but is impacted by prior blinatumomab therapy. Blood Advances. Nov 26;3(22):3539-3549, 2019. PMID: 31738832.
Belman, J.P., Meng, W., Wang, H.Y., Li, J., Strauser, H.T., Rosenfeld, A.M., Zhang, Q., Luning Prak, E.T. and M. Wasik. Dramatic increase in gene mutational burden after transformation of follicular lymphoma into TdT+B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. Molecular Case Studies. Feb 3;6(1), 2019. PMID: 31776129.
Miron, M., Kumar, B.V., Meng, W., Granot, T., Carpenter, D.J., Senda, T., Chen, D., Rosenfeld, A.M., Zhang, B., Lerner, H., Friedman, A.L., Hershberg, U., Shen, Y., Rahman, A., Luning Prak, E.T. and D.L. Farber. Human lymph nodes maintain TCF-1hi memory T cells with high functional potential and clonal diversity throughout life. Journal of Immunology. Oct 1;201(7):2132-2140, 2018. PMID: 30111633.
Rosenfeld, A.M., Meng, W., Luning Prak, E.T. and U. Hershberg. ImmuneDB, a novel tool for the analysis, storage, and dissemination of immune repertoire sequencing data. Frontiers in Immunology. Sep 21;9:2107, 2018. PMID: 30298069.
Rosenfeld, A.M., Meng, W., Chen, D.Y., Zhang, B., Granot, T., Farber, D.L., Hershberg, U. and E.T. Luning Prak. Computational evaluation of B-Cell clone sizes in bulk populations. Frontiers in Immunology. Jun 29;9:1472, 2018. PMID: 30008715.
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